
Lucidworks Fusion and View docker container for experimental project

Primary LanguageShell

Docker image for Lucidworks Fusion 3.0.1 (+ View)

Built to support a experimental project by loading Lucidworks Fusion and View into a docker container, intended for both single node and 3x node DEV deployments. This build has not been optimized, nor secured for production usage or exposure to regular internet.

If you do intend to run this on a exposed network / public cloud, configure your host firewalls to restrict access to only the necessary ports (:3000 & :8764) and set secure passwords.

This project also lives in Docker hub as failathon/docker-fusion

Getting Started - 3x Node deployment

docker-compose up

It is not recommended to run 3 node configuration on a machine with less than 16GB RAM and 8x CPUs. Also worth noting that on resource starved systems, you may need to start node1 by itself (docker-compose up node1), let it settle, then start node2 & node3.

Getting Started - Single Node

  • Internet access is required, both to download Fusion from the Lucidworks website, and to grab required packages from the Ubutnu servers.

  • Make sure you have minimum 4-6GB RAM for your docker machine or this will run slow. Dataset size will also impact memory requirements. Java & Big Data are always hungry, hungry hippos :)

Usage -- from Docker Hub (pre-existing image)

(also saved in ./pull_from_docker.sh)

docker pull failathon/docker-fusion
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -p 8764:8764 -p 8765:8765 -p 8983:8983 -p 8984:8984 -p 9983:9983 -d failathon/docker-fusion

Usage -- Docker CLI / fresh build

(also saved in ./build.sh)

git clone https://github.com/failathon/docker-fusion
cd docker-fusion
docker build -t docker-fusion .
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -p 8764:8764 -p 8765:8765 -p 8983:8983 -p 8984:8984 -p 9983:9983 -d docker-fusion

Usage -- watching logs

docker logs -f <container id/name>

Service startup & View logs will be visible here.


Once the image has loaded, fire up your web browser at:

Other ports:

Sample Quickstart on fresh build: quickstart_screenshot

Known Issues

  • SOLR fails to start on node2 or node3 - check Zookeeper has loaded successfully.
  • Zookeeper complains of address already in use - stop the node, and start it again.
  • Not sure if node has joined the zookeeper quorum? Try querying it using:
/opt/fusion/3.0.1/apps/solr-dist/server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh -zkhost node1 -cmd get /zookeeper/config


  • Improve service startup error checking
  • Reduce package dependencies to reduce build time
  • Automate package build
  • Separate out UI from fusion node (+docker-compose)
  • Allow SOLR/other services logs to be visible from docker logs (apply https://github.com/jwilder/dockerize)
  • Support cluster scaling (edit runner-slavenode.sh, docker-compose)
  • Support cluster downsizing (alerting & clean-up scripts)
  • Fix routing from host to individual nodes (and reduce exposed ports)

Version numbers

  • solr-spec 6.4.2
  • lucene-spec 6.4.2
  • OpenJDK 1.8.0
  • Fusion 3.0.1
  • Zookeeper 3.5.3