
LightMill is a user experiment web server used to manage and log experiments running in browsers. It uses TouchStone's design files and provides a web interface to monitor an ongoing experiment. The touchstone design platform can be downloaded from here.

Make it run!


You need a python 3.7 interpreter and virtualenv installed. If virtualenv is unfound, you can install it with easy_install virtualenv. virtualenv ensures the project's dependencies are installed locally and do not pollute your python global libraries.

You can then access the web interface from localhost on the corresponding port.

The experiment described in experiment.xml at the root folder will be automatically imported into the database at server startup (if not already in). You can also specify another experiment design path with the --experiment-design command line option.

Build Your experiment

lightmill-runner is a JavasCript library that is used to interface your experiment application with LightMill.

Additionally lightmill-app provides a set of standard views such as blockInit or end for you to use in your application.

Grab the results!

The trial results can be downloaded from the bottom of the experiment page from web API.

Currently, the only way to export the event logs is by using the ./ script (slow and hopefully deprecated soon).

Locked run

To avoid concurrent update, client needs to acquire a lock to register trial results for a run. When a run is locked, it cannot be acquired again.

You can manually unlock a run by going on the run page from the web interface and by clicking on the lock icon. This can be useful if a client crashed and a new lock needs to be acquired to continue the experiment. However, doing so will most likely result in an error for an ongoing client.

The lock protection can be lifted using the --unprotected-runs command line argument. This is useful during the development of experiment clients. However this option allows a client to "steal" the run of another and thus, it is unsafe when running the actual experiment and should never be used in production.

Other options?

./ --help

Run with docker

A docker file is provided to create a docker image that can be used both to create the server and grab the results.

Creating the image

docker build -t lightmill .

Starting the server

docker run \
  --mount source=lightmill,target=/data \
  -dp 5000:80 \
  --name lightmill_server \

Note: this is using the "lightmill" volume to store the data. It is automatically managed by docker. It needs to be defined if you want to get the data back.

Grab the results

docker run --mount source=lightmill,target=/data lightmill
docker cp lightmill_server:/data/export ./export

Note: the lightmill_server container must exist for this to work.

Backup the database

docker cp lightmill:/data/experiments.db .

Clear the data

Once the experiment is finished, you may want to remove the volume allocated by docker to free up some space.

docker volume rm lightmill