
:memo: Convert text or sentence with various possible options (Bases, Morse code, Types of text).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to TextConverter project 👋

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✨ TextConverter

Convert text or sentence with various possible options (Bases, Morse code, Types of text)

📥 Installation

  • Download the source code here and run TextConverter.pyw on your computer (no specific module required)
  • Download the 64bits compiled executable here!
  • Download the 32bits compiled executable here!

🚀 Usage

- With GUI -

WINDOWS: Simply click twice on TextConverter.pyw or run using IDLE

LINUX: Not tested yet for GUIs

python(3) TextConverter.pyw

- No CLI available for this software -

🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change or create a new branch.
Please make sure to test your suggestions before committing.

👤 Author

Quentin L.

Please ✰ this repository if this project helped you!

📖 License


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