Welcome to Quento, a collection of utilities created by students, for students. Quento is an open source web app created by high school students using Vue.js, with the sole purpose of creating and compiling useful software to a single location to help students better manage their education.
# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
Splash Screen (Splash.vue)
Login Page (\auth\Login.vue)
Signup Page (\auth\SignUp.vue)
- Eula (\auth\Eula.vue)
Home Page (Home.vue)
Notes Page (Notes.vue)
- \notes_id.vue
- \notes\index.vue
- ~\screens\notes\EditNotesModal.vue
- ~\screens\notes\PostNotesModal.vue
- ~\screens\notes\PreviewNotesModal.vue
- ~\mixins\AnalyticsMixin
Questions (questions.vue)
- \questions_id.vue
- \questions\index.vue
- ~\screens\questions\PostQuestionModal.vue
- ~\screens/questions/PreviewQuestionModal.vue
Newsletter Page/Blog (newletters.vue)
- \newsletters_id.vue
- \newsletters\index.vue
- ~\screens\newsletter\NewsletterModal.vue
- ~\mixins\AnalyticsMixin
Suggestions Page (Suggestions.vue)
- ~\screens\SuggestionModal.vue
- CSS/SCSS Files
- Fonts
- One Folder per font
- all font files
- a font style sheet
- One Folder per font
- Images, the ones that are unique to each page
- SVG files
- Utils(not to be confused with ~\utils), idk either its a big mystery to me.
- Elements within pages, like notes, groups, questions, etc.
- Boilerplates
- a very special plugin that won't go into the plugins folder
- All the pages of the site, in VUE
- Each page has a folder with _id.vue and index.vue
Plugins(self explainatory)
- The popups basically
- All grouped by page
- Sitewide images
Store -Typescript files to locally store short term dynamic data, analogous to RAM
Tests 🤷🏻♂️
- All the typescript files
Utils (not to be confused with ~\assets\utils)
Here is the default layout of the page (also at localhost:3000/basepiece or quento.ca/basepiece) Enjoy!
div Layout Main
div contentArea
div contentOverlay
div contentWrapper
div Router View
div Router Content
transition thingy
div content-area__content (ie. the content of the area of the content of the page, go naming departement)
another transition
All files are imported to the Vue Application through ~\types\index.ts
├── Notes.ts
├── class Note
├── interface Note_t
├── interface Note_t_F
├── type Note_t_A
├── interface Note extends Note_t
├── DEPEDANT ON: Subjects.ts
├── Subjects.ts
├── const{Group} SubjectGroups -> Sub-Subjects
├── const[number] AllSubjects -> Subjects
├── type Subject_O
├── const[Subjects] SubjectList -> default:empty
├── const{Subject} SubjectOptions -> true|false
├── const{Subject} SubjectIconList -> bx-___
├── type SubjectGroup_O
├── const[SubjectGroup_O] SubjectGroupList -> default:empty
├ DEPENDANT ON : Schools.ts
├── Schools.ts
├── const[number] SchoolList -> Schools
├── type School_O
├── Suggestions.ts
├── Users.ts
├── DEPENDANT ON: Subjects.ts, Groups.ts
├── Questions.ts
├── DEPENDANT ON: Schools.ts, Subjects.ts, firebaseTypes.ts
├── Responses.ts
├── DEPENDANT ON: firebaseTypes.ts
├── Newsletters.ts
├── firebaseTypes.ts
├── DEPENDANT ON: Not firebase apparently
All store is based around util/store-accessor.ts
Store files -> firestore.ts -> firebase.ts
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the following docs:
Vue: Vue.js Nuxt: Nuxt.js Vuesax: Vuesax Tailwind: Tailwind.css