Timder is a social web application that groups people based on their personality and preferences over physique.
- 404: As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault
- Signup: As an anon I can sign up in the platform so I can use all the features.
- Login: As a user I can login to the platform so I can use all the features.
- Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it.
- Stablish my preferences As a user I can do a personality test so I can stablish my social preferences.
- List people As a user I want to see a list of people that matches my preferences so I can add them.
- Accept matches As a user I want to accept matches so I can start talking with them.
- Decline matches As a user I want to decline matches so I can reject talking with them.
- Chat As a user I want to talk with the people I matched so I can know them better.
- Poll to show hide image As a user I want be able to show hide my image with the people I matched so I can decide when others can see me.
- My profile As a user I want to be able to go my profile and change data so I can modify things.
- See my contacts profile As a user I want to see my contacts profile so I can know more about them.
- Matches by location
- Change my password
- Upload my profile picture
- See other users profile
- Redux state
- Notifications (socket)
- Voice to chat
- Premium / Buy features
- Images in chat
- Vote user system
- Google sign up
Method | Path | Component | Permissions | Behavior |
get |
/ |
HomePageComponent | public | just promotional copy |
get |
/auth/signup |
SignupFormComponent | anon only | signup form, link to login, navigate to profile after signup |
get |
/auth/login |
LoginFormComponent | anon only | login form, link to signup, navigate to profile after login |
post |
/auth/signup |
SignupFormComponent | anon only | signup form, link to login, navigate to profile after signup |
post |
/auth/login |
LoginFormComponent | anon only | login form, link to signup, navigate to profile after login |
post |
/auth/logout |
n/a | anon only | navigate to homepage after logout, expire session |
get |
/search-people |
PeopleListComponent | user only | shows people, match button, next/user, search by personality/location |
post |
/match/:id |
PeopleListComponent | user only | matches a user from the list, redirects back to the list page |
put |
/edit-profile/me |
ChangeProfileForm | user only | changes user preferences/password |
delete |
/delete/:id |
na | user only | delete match |
get |
/profile/me |
ProfilePageComponent | user only | my details |
get |
/contacts |
MatchesListComponent | me only | my matches, links to match chat |
get |
/chat/user |
MatchChatComponent | me only | chat, back to matches link |
post |
/chat/user |
MatchChatComponent | me only | posts a message |
get |
** |
NotFoundPageComponent | public |
SignUp Form
- Output: username: unique password: any email: unique image: any quote: any preferences: any personality: any
LogIn Form
- Output: username: unique password: any
- Input: SignUp LogIn
- Input: Search Matches Edit
Edit Form
- Output: username: unique password: any image: any quote: any preferences: any
People -Input: Next User
- Output: Match
User Card
- Input: Profile Chat
- Output: Delete contact
- Input: Profile
- Output: Message
-Navbar - Input: Logout My profile
- Auth Service
- auth.login(user)
- auth.signup(user)
- auth.logout()
- auth.me()
- auth.getUser() // synchronous
- User Service
- user.list()
- user.search(terms)
- user.profile(id)
- user.match(id)
- user.removeMatch(id)
- Chat Service
- chat.getHistory()
- chat.getUsers
- chat.sendMessage()
User model
username - String // required & unique
email - String // required & unique
password - String // required
image - String //
preferences - Array strings // required
quote - String
personality - Object
Chat model
history - Array
users - Array
- GET /auth/me
- 404 if no user in session
- 200 with user object
- POST /auth/signup
- 401 if user logged in
- body:
- username
- password
- image (not required)
- quote
- preferences
- validation
- fields not empty (422)
- user not exists (409)
- create user with encrypted password
- store user in session
- 200 with user object
- POST /auth/login
- 401 if user logged in
- body:
- username
- password
- validation
- fields not empty (422)
- user exists (404)
- passdword matches (404)
- store user in session
- 200 with user object
- POST /auth/logout
- body: (empty)
- 204
- POST /match/invite/
- body:
- userId
- validation
- id isn't valid (404)
- add to accept/decline
- updates user in session
- body:
- DELETE /user/me/contact/:id
- validation
- id is valid (404)
- id exists (404)
- body: (empty - the user is already stored in the session)
- remove from contacts
- updates user in session
- validation
- POST /message
- body:
- text
- date?
- validation
- fields not empty
- create message
- 200 with chat history object
- body:
- GET /contact/:id
- 404 if user doesn't exist
- 200 with user object
- GET /chat/:id
- 404 if user doesn't exist
- 200 with user object
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