Version 0.3.9-patch1
A phundament3 Widget from the well known jQuery Slit Slider. But we have a backend crud to administrate all the slider widgets in your web application. featuring P3Media
Composer support for easy installation of this phundament3 widget.
- [phundament3 on GitHub] (
- [p3Media on GitHub] (
- [yii-slit-slider on GitHub] (
If you have composer already installed
composer.phar require quexer69/yii-slit-slider
add the package quexer69/yii-slit-slider
to your composer.json
!!! You need to have already setup a database connection for the yii-slit-slider migration !!!
[SETUP] edit in app/config/main.php
'modules' => array(
'slitSlider' => array(
'class' => 'vendor.quexer69.yii-slit-slider.SlitSliderModule',
'imagePresets' => array(
'slitSlider-crop-16-9-jpg' => 'Picture 16:9 cropped 2000x700px (JPG)',
'slitSlider-crop-16-9-png' => 'Picture 16:9 cropped 2000x700px (PNG)',
'p3media' => array(
'class' => 'vendor.phundament.p3media.P3MediaModule',
'params' => array(
'presets' => array(
'slitSlider-crop-16-9-jpg' => array(
'name' => 'Picture 16:9 cropped 2000x700px (JPG)',
'commands' => array(
'resize' => array(2000, 700, 7), // crop
'quality' => '85',
'type' => 'jpg',
'slitSlider-crop-16-9-png' => array(
'name' => 'Picture 16:9 cropped 2000x700px (PNG)',
'commands' => array(
'resize' => array(2000, 700, 7), // crop
'quality' => '85',
'type' => 'png',
do add imagePresets to the slitslider module. The indices of this array have to be real p3media->params->presets!
edit in app/config/console.php to add slit-slider migration ($ yiic migrate)
'migrate' => array(
'modulePaths' => array(
'slitSlider' => 'vendor.quexer69.yii-slit-slider.migrations',
OPTIONAL (if you have schmunk42/multi-theme installed, you can say in which theme should the SlitSlider Backend be displayed)
'themeManager' => array(
'class' => 'vendor.schmunk42.multi-theme.EMultiThemeManager',
'basePath' => $applicationDirectory . '/themes',
'baseUrl' => $baseUrl . '/themes',
'rules' => array(
'^slitSlider/(.*)' => 'backend2',
Default Call of the slitSlider Widget
Params Call of the slitSlider Widget
'orientation' => 'horizontal', // default orientation if slit has no orientation set
'imagePreset' => 'slitslider', // P3Media image preset for pictures
'order' => 'rank DESC', // sort order of the slits
'scaleable' => '1', // responsive or defined height and width
'groupId' => NULL, // show all slits for a group_id
'max_width' => '2000px', // needed for scalabel = 1 (true)
'width' => '100%', // css width of the wrapper
'height' => '500px', // can be set on scalabel = 0 (false)
if groupId is NULL for a slider widget
-> all slits will be shown in this slider.if groupId is NULL for a slit
-> this slit will be shown in all sliders.groupId
can be a number or a groupname
Or easily add through P3WidgetContainer
(you need to add slitSlider Widget to the P3Widgets)
'p3widgets' => array(
'params' => array(
'widgets' => array(
'slitSlider.components.SlitSliderWidget' => 'SlitSlider'
output on any page template
'id' => 'slitSlider',
'varyByRequestParam' => P3Page::PAGE_ID_KEY
Now you get in the P3Admin backend the module SlitSlider to configurate your sliders!!!
Every slide will also have some data-attributes that we will use in order to control the effect for each slide. The data attributes that we want are the following:
The first one, data-orientation
should be either vertical
or horizontal
This we need in order to know where to “slice” the slide. It will be either slice horizontally or vertically.
The data-slice1-rotation
and data-slice2-rotation
value will be the rotation degree for each one of the slices
and the data-slice1-scale
and data-slice2-scale
value will be the scale value.
app/yiic database dump init_slitSlider_tables --prefix=slider_ \
--dbConnection=db --createSchema=1 \
app/yiic database dump replace_slider_data --prefix=slider_ \
--dbConnection=db --createSchema=0 \
--foreignKeyChecks=0 --truncateTable=1