Example repo to reproduce bug from running clojure -M:uberjar
with uap-clj 1.3.6 in the deps.edn
The uberjar
command is supplied by the uberdeps library
> clojure -M:uberjar
+ uap-clj/uap-clj #:mvn{:version "1.3.7"}
. clj-commons/clj-yaml #:mvn{:version "0.7.0"}
. org.flatland/ordered #:mvn{:version "1.5.7"}
. org.flatland/useful #:mvn{:version "0.11.6"}
. org.clojure/tools.macro #:mvn{:version "0.1.1"}
. org.yaml/snakeyaml #:mvn{:version "1.24"}
. russellwhitaker/immuconf #:mvn{:version "0.3.1"}
Execution error at uberdeps.api/fn (api.clj:108).
No dispatch macro for: ?
After some digging into uberdeps /src/, see -- https://github.com/tonsky/uberdeps/blob/master/src/uberdeps/api.clj#L115
(def default-mergers
{"META-INF/plexus/components.xml" components-merger
#"META-INF/services/.*" services-merger
#"data_readers.clj[cs]?" clojure-maps-merger})
I believe the data_readers file in Immuconf is causing this issue. https://github.com/russellwhitaker/immuconf/blob/master/src/data_readers.cljc
#?(:cljs (ns immuconf.data-readers
(:require [immuconf.config]
[cljs.reader :as reader])))
#?(:clj {immuconf/override immuconf.config/->Override
immuconf/default immuconf.config/->Default})
Not sure of exact cause. There's some magic going on in immuconf.config
with an ns-unmap
, but I'm submitting this repo to help investigation.
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