Easy way to integrate OpenCv into your Android project via Gradle
- 0
- 0
#77 opened by WangHan2014 - 1
- 4
- 0
I want to use OpenCV's Canny method, but after a certain amount of time, the screen crashes.
#75 opened by yprogbest - 1
Support for 4.6.0 / Setup guide
#73 opened by felixdittrich92 - 0
Support for v4.5.5
#72 opened by kmewhort - 0
Not support armeabi
#71 opened by JrivasK - 0
Bad argument in reshape
#70 opened by DarkApocalypse - 5
Wrong camera orientation preview
#69 opened by hariangr - 4
GaussianBlur Unknown Exception
#60 opened by MrGVSV - 2
- 3
WechatQR Crashes for other language
#65 opened by dineshkandan - 2
Stitcher class missing?
#62 opened by cristianoccazinsp - 5
Where can I download the source code?
#61 opened by quzn - 2
Release source for all versions of OpenCV
#59 opened by nasirky - 3
- 0
Upload 4.X.X releases
#68 opened by nasirky - 3
No implementation found for phash
#67 opened by jslok - 1
- 4
OpenCv Manager package not found
#56 opened by adrianolc - 8
Request for OpenCV Versions
#57 opened by nasirky - 14
- 12
- 4
Version 4.5.3 not working
#58 opened by ahmetturk - 6
No implementation found for long org.opencv.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer.App crashes
#55 opened by AJV2018 - 9
Screen Orientation
#38 opened by KerronXR - 3
- 6
detectEdges function from StructuredEdgeDetection class (contrib module) cause crash in app
#52 opened by satheesh-agnext - 4
#48 opened by N-G17 - 3
OpenCV Not Initialized Properly , Application Shutting Down On Android Version 8 and above
#53 opened by itsmemubeenkhan - 7
Opencv 4.5.0
#46 opened by Adrien-Moreau-Flat - 4
#39 opened by tassilo-posegga - 5
Request: C++ header files
#47 opened by Nunocky - 7
Opencv 3.4.12
#44 opened by thelittlefireman - 15
Tracker Crashes
#30 opened by elijaelt - 2
opencv stitcher no found
#50 opened by androiddevcoding - 10
Gradle Package too heavy
#42 opened by fdegarne - 0
Aruco is not found.
#43 opened by cannizarro - 1
OpenCV – 4.4.0 contrib release
#45 opened by maralbek - 2
- 5
Use in mixed C++/Java projects
#37 opened by critt - 2
opencv give me black screen
#36 opened by amrkamal123 - 0
xfeatures2d algorithm not implemented
#41 opened by MichHighlander - 1
4.3.0 release doesn't support TEngine?
#35 opened by MohiuddinM - 3
Use OpenCV from Native (C++) Code
#27 opened by jeffreyfjohnson - 4
Camera crashes
#29 opened by forest-jj - 7
Please add OpenCV 4.2.0 (with contrib packages)
#26 opened by fmatulic - 3
Why was MIPS removed in version 4?
#25 opened by jacobg - 0
#28 opened by maltebucksch