
High-performance library for converting YUV_420_888 Android Camera images to OpenCV RGB Mats

Primary LanguageKotlin


This library is no longer maintained and will not be updated.


YUV_420_888 Image to OpenCV RGB Mat Conversion

High-performance library for converting YUV_420_888 images from Android's Camera v2 API to OpenCV Mats. The resulting Mat contains RGB pixels.



Simply use the extension function on android.media.Image.

val mat = image.rgb()


Simply use the static function Yuv.toMat

Mat mat = Yuv.rgb(image)

Clipping the image

This library supports efficient clipping of the image before converting. Just pass a clip to the function:

val yuv = YuvImage(image).clip(left=20, top=20, right=40, bottom=40)
val yuv = YuvImage(image).with(YuvImage.Clip(left=20, top=20, right=40, bottom=40))
val yuv = YuvImage(image) with YuvImage.Clip(left=20, top=20, right=40, bottom=40)
val rgb: Mat = yuv.rgb()

Get the the dependency


dependencies {
    implementation "com.quickbirdstudios:yuvtomat:1.1.0"

Also include the kotlin standard library for non-kotlin projects

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"


If you encounter any issues with this library, please submit an issue. We'll come back to you as soon as possible.