Augmented Reality Chat for iOS code sample (works with Facebook API and QuickBlox API)
- aalonzi
- AlexMorgun
- alisandrCHI
- andrewzeus
- AntonDyachQuickBlox
- billhibazzz
- dgemKanzi Limited
- DmitryKr
- eddieespinalSagepath, Inc.
- evanwolfWider Team
- HoldFast88
- jhcloos
- jlott1A Lott Of Ideas LLC
- kabulin
- Katrin412
- KineticHub
- LordKapposSalt Lake City, Utah
- mayuluISV
- michaelarmstrongSuperArmstrong.UK
- mohsinalimatilol
- namre
- Neustradamus
- Nightstep
- nivritguptanivritgupta@ymail.com
- parthjdabhiEcreate Infotech
- phwizardDappros & DeepX
- QuickBloxDima
- rohithadassanayakeSRI LANKA
- scsong
- sk8netGermany
- SonnyBlack
- soulfly
- takenjiridho
- TatianaAkulova
- thanhngocnguyenvptVietNam
- yuliasidorenko