
Implementation of https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1909/1909.13077.pdf

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Weighted RNN for News Text Classification

Architecture details

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of WRNN: alt-text

  • Here, wi's are scalars which are multiplied with RNN outputs to form a weighted representation.
  • The weighted vectors are summed and passed onto fully-connected layers for classification.
  • Dropout is added to both after RNN and fully-connected layer 1.
  • L2 regularization is employed for the fully-connected layer 1 weights.

Experimental details

  • We used the dataset provided by sklearn library (via the fetch_20newsgroups function).
  • We download the whole dataset and randomly split it into 90:10 train-test partition (random seed is set in code).
  • The most frequent 40439 (vocab size mentioned in paper) words are selected for the vocabulary. The pre-trained embeddings are allowed to be fine-tuned during the model training process.
  • The paper used 200d word2vec embeddings, but the source is not mentioned. Instead, we use 300d GloVe embeddings and report results using them. We also trained custom 200d word2vec embeddings on the news classification dataset but it overfitted the models.
  • SL (max sentence length) is set as 300.
  • From the train partition, 5% of the dataset is used as validation set to select hyperparamters.
  • Adam optimizer with early stopping is used to optimize the network weights.


  • Download the WRNN_News_Text_Classification.ipynb file.
  • Add the above file to your Google Drive.
  • Make a folder with name nnfl_project in your drive.
  • Download these GloVe embeddings directly in your Drive. Run the following commands in a cell of the notebook after mounting your Drive (1st cell in the notebook):
!wget -P /content/drive/My\ Drive/ http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.840B.300d.zip
!unzip /content/drive/My\ Drive/glove.840B.300d.zip -d /content/drive/My\ Drive/
  • Now, you should have the GloVe embeddings in your Google Drive. Make sure they are not inside any folder.
  • Next, run all the cells after the first cell and excluding the GloVe download cell.


  • We report results on the test set for WRNN (with GRU unit), WRNN (with LSTM unit), GRU baseline and BiGRU baseline models.
  • The results are left as such in the notebook file above.

Overall statistics

Model Test Accuracy Macro avg. precision Macro avg. recall Macro avg. F1 Avg. time/epoch Convergence rate
WRNN (GRU unit) 85.73 86.0 85.0 85.0 40.02 7
WRNN (LSTM unit) 87.69 88.0 87.0 87.0 34.99 11
GRU baseline 81.37 82.0 80.0 81.0 41.31 3
BiGRU baseline 77.88 79.0 77.0 78.0 75.66 3

WRNN (GRU unit) Statistics


Confusion Matrix

Classification Report

WRNN (LSTM unit) Statistics


Confusion Matrix

Classification Report

GRU baseline Statistics


Confusion Matrix

Classification Report

BiGRU baseline Statistics


Confusion Matrix

Classification Report