
Text recognition using pytesseract

Primary LanguagePython

Text recognition using tesseract and pytesseract

For text detection I simply used clovaai CRAFT-pytorch repository. Although they also have their text recognition model but their offline model is not trained on alphanumerics. So I used pytesseract for text recognition.


  1. Install tesseract from https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki

  2. Tesseract-OCR directory will be created at the installation location.

  3. Go to Tesseract-OCR\tessdata and replace eng.traineddata file with https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata_best/blob/master/eng.traineddata

  4. Add Tesseract-OCR and tessdata directory paths to the Path variables.

To use tesseract for text recognition:

Open command prompt in the image directory.

tesseract image_name.png out.

This will create out.txt with the detected text.

To use pytesseract for text recognition:

run demo.py:

python demo.py --imageDir="path/to/imageDir" --preprocess="thresh" --resize=Fasle

Note: For good results try resizing the image by different factors. change resize to True for the same.