
Example for CrowdSupply BGA64

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, is there any blink LED example for BGA64 version.
I have tried to get blink led on my custom board, but complete tool chain is focused on QFN version, so I do not know what I am doing wrong.
When I build FPGA part with changed pcf file for PD64 it just crash at startup.
DO I need to change pincfg_table as I do not see BGA version and do not know if tool chain will build good firmware if I build with current one

Thank you, then something else is wrong with my board. I do not have all those peripherals connected as qf board, for example I do not have USB, so maybe something like that is on my way. I just have LED connected to PAD_42 (H1).

I assume for blink led I would just need to enable right clock and toggle LED in main, but all samples are starting with load FPGA and starting FreeRTOS and USB serial...

Thank you, I will need to figure this out, and maybe wait for Qomu. Will close this issue for now, and add info if I manage to do something...