
A Ruby client for the QuickPay API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

The quickpay-ruby-client gem is a official client for QuickPay API. The Quickpay API enables you to accept payments in a secure and reliable manner.

This gem currently support QuickPay v10 api.


Add to your Gemfile

gem "quickpay-ruby-client"

or install from Rubygems:

$ gem install quickpay-ruby-client

It is currently tested with Ruby ( >= 2.6.x)

  • MRI
  • Rubinius (2.0)


Before doing anything you should register yourself with QuickPay and get access credentials. If you haven't please click here to apply.

Create a new API client

First you should create a client instance that is anonymous or authorized with your API key or login credentials provided by QuickPay.

To initialise an anonymous client:

require "quickpay/api/client"
client = QuickPay::API::Client.new

To initialise a client with QuickPay API Key:

require "quickpay/api/client"
client = QuickPay::API::Client.new(password: ENV["QUICKPAY_API_KEY"])

Or you can provide login credentials like:

require "quickpay/api/client"
client = QuickPay::API::Client.new(username: ENV["QUICKPAY_LOGIN"], password: ENV["QUICKPAY_PASSWORD"])

You can also set some connection specific options (default values shown):

client = QuickPay::API::Client.new(
  options: {
    read_timeout: 60,
    write_timeout: 60,
    connect_timeout: 60,
    json_opts: { symbolize_names: false }

Sending request

You can afterwards call any method described in QuickPay API with corresponding http method and endpoint. These methods are supported currently: get, post, put, patch, delete and head.

Any request will return an array in the form [body, status, headers]:

# Shortest form when interested in the response body only
body, = client.get("/ping")
puts body.inspect

# Get all response information
body, status, headers = client.get("/ping")
puts body.inspect, status.inspect, headers.inspect

You can also do requests in block form:

client.get("/ping") do |body, status, headers|
  puts body.inspect

It is even possible to pass the QuickPay::API::Error to the block as the 4th parameter to be able to handle the errors that would have otherwise been raised. This parameter is nil when the response is a success.

# the error is not raised but passed to the block as the fourth parameter
client.get("/ping") do |body, status, headers, error|
  case error
  when nil
  when QuickPay::API::NotFound
    raise error

# will raise `QuickPay::API::Error::NotFound` since the fourth block param is not defined
client.get("/non-existing-path") do |body, status, headers| do

If you want raw http response body, you can add :raw => true parameter:

body, status, headers = client.get("/ping", raw: true)

if status == 200
  puts JSON.parse(body).inspect
  # do something else

Beyond the endpoint, the client accepts the following options (default values shown):

  • body: ""
  • headers: {}
  • query: {}
  • raw: false
  • json_opts: nil

Full example:

response, = client.post(
  body: { amount: 100 }.to_json,
  headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" },
  query: { "synchronized" => "" },
  raw: false,
  json_opts: { symbolize_names: true }

Handling API exceptions

By default (get|post|patch|put|delete) will return JSON parsed body on success (i.e. 2xx response code) otherwise it will raise appropriate error. Your code should handle the errors appropriately. Following error codes are supported currently:

Response status Error
400 QuickPay::API::BadRequest
401 QuickPay::API::Unauthorized
402 QuickPay::API::PaymentRequired
403 QuickPay::API::Forbidden
404 QuickPay::API::NotFound
405 QuickPay::API::MethodNotAllowed
406 QuickPay::API::NotAcceptable
409 QuickPay::API::Conflict
500 QuickPay::API::ServerError
502 QuickPay::API::BadGateway
503 QuickPay::API::ServiceUnavailable
504 QuickPay::API::GatewayTimeout

All exceptions inherits QuickPay::API::Error, so you can listen for any api error like:

  client.post("/payments", body: { currency: "DKK", order_id: "1212" }, headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" })
rescue QuickPay::API::Error => e
  puts e.inspect

Example error object:

  body="404 Not Found",
  headers={"Server"=>"nginx", "Date"=>"Sun, 21 Mar 2021 09:10:12 GMT", "Connection"=>"keep-alive", "X-Cascade"=>"pass", "Vary"=>"Origin"}
  request=#<struct QuickPay::API::Client::Request
    headers={"User-Agent"=>"quickpay-ruby-client, v2.0.3", "Accept-Version"=>"v10", "Content-Type"=>"application/json"},

You can read more about QuickPay API responses at https://learn.quickpay.net/tech-talk/api.


To contribute:

  1. Write a test that fails
  2. Fix test by adding/changing code
  3. Add feature or bugfix to changelog in the "Unreleased" section
  4. Submit a pull request
  5. World is now a better place! :)

Running the specs

$ bundle exec rake test