
python implementations of algorthims for the boolean satisfiability problem, including one to solve 3SAT in polynomial time

Primary LanguageTeX



A list of benchmark problems can be found here

Run readcnf.py to iterate through the files in /inputs or /UUF50.218.1000 (you have to unzip satisfiable instances into /inputs or unsatisfiable instances into /UUF50.218.1000 and call the function at the bottom of the file)

Currently there's a bug with the unsatisfiable benchmark problems with the optimize.py solution, but it's being looked into

Script Usage

checkimplications.py is the main script to check if algorithms work

  • the bottom is hecka messy right now, but gen_random_instance() will generate a list of random instances of 3SAT and you can try different functions using that list
  • solve_gen() and solve_expand() are old solve functions that use lists of lists, they should be accurate, but slow (8 hours for 1000 10-terminal instances iirc?)

optimize.py is the newest script to attempt a O(n^6) runtime

  • pass the instance as a list of lists into process() and it will return a bool: False for unsatisfiable, True for satisfiable


  • write_blockages() will write a md file of the assignment table and instance as well as return True (satisfiable) or False (unsatisfiable) for the input instance
    • it will overwrite existing files, it was not made for robustness in that regard

most other functions are depracated, I haven't had the chance to clean it up yet