This is an example project on how to use GdxAI's state machine and message dispatching functionality to create a player character that can have following states:
- Idle
- Run
- Jump
- Fall
- Attack (three different attack states)
In addition, there is a priest character who will heal the player if injured. The priest has these states:
- Idle
- Run
- Cast
The project uses LibGDX, LibKTX, Box2D and Ashley. The components and systems are just a quick&dirt implementation, but you can of course use them as a reference.
The main focus however sits in
package and com.github.quillraven.gdxaiexample.ecs.system/ai.kt
which are showing how you can use GdxAI for simple AI.
Player controls:
- A -> Attack
- J -> Jump
- LEFT/RIGHT -> Move
will trigger a delayed injured event to let the priest know that the player needs healing.
The code is explained in more detail in following video: Link to YouTube