
PoC for a dungeon crawler with diablo 2 like random maps, dissolve shader and tiled based movement

Primary LanguageKotlin

PoC for a dungeon crawler with random map generation


  • LibGDX
  • Kotlin
  • Fleks entity component system
  • LibKTX Kotlin extensions for LibGDX


  • tile based movement
  • random map creation of predefined map segment (like in Diablo 2)
  • dissolve shader for removing enemies
  • AI movement that reacts on player movement (like in Lufia 2 on SNES)

How to check out the features?

There is test sourceset in the core project that contains test classes for the different features. testLauncher.kt is the main class to run the tests. There are following tests that can be executed:

  • ShaderTest: press '1' to stop the shader and '2' to start the shader
  • MapTransitionTest
  • AIMoveTest

The shader itself can be found in the assets/shaders folder. Only the fragment shader is needed and is documented.