RISE Editor -- Elm


  1. Install NodeJS. It should come with a version of NPM, the node package manager/build system.

  2. cd here and run npm install. This will install all the dependencies from package.json.

  3. If you want to install Elm globally you can run npm i -g elm (make sure npm's bin package directory is in your PATH). But, you can also use the project-local binary at ./node_modules/.bin/elm. There is a npm script for this; just run npm run elm -- (You need the -- to pass arguments to elm).

  4. To compile the elm app, run npm run build.

  5. To launch the electron app, run npm start.

Note: Elm 19 added caching and partial builds to the compiler. Sometimes they go wrong. If you get weird compiler errors or ANY runtime errors, just rm -rf elm-stuff. I made npm run clean to do this also.

  1. Running elm reactor makes a nice development server that will show you your errors in the browser in real time. But, as we get more into electron the capabilities of the browser app will probably diverge from the real app.


Right now, VSCode and IntelliJ were the only editors I could find that supported Elm 19 and IntelliJ's plugin was buggy. Atom's support is great though when it catches up.

Whatever you use, I recommend using elm-format to keep formatting consistent. It is also a local dependency if you don't want to install anything globally.


  • package.json - defines the NodeJS project. It defines NPM dependencies and cli scripts.
  • elm.json - defines the Elm project and Elm dependencies.
  • launcher.js - The entry point for the NodeJS app. Launches electron with index.html.
  • app.js - The main code for the JavaScript side of the app. Launches the Elm app.
  • src/ - All of the code for the Elm app. Main.elm is the entry point.