Impressed with your work, ACME Solutions is now requesting your help once again. A warehouse employee stumbled upon a box of MSP430 microcontroller boards while cleaning. No longer needed by the company, ACME Solutions wishes to install programs to turn these little boards into Christmas toys for children and donate them to local orphanges. This is where your help is needed.
Each MSP430 board is equipped with buttons, LED's, a speaker, and an LED screen. Utilizing these features and your knowledge of I/O, develop a program to turn the board into a toy for a child.
This toy should at minimum
- generate sounds
- dynamically change the combination of LEDs that are illuminated, both brighly and dimmly
- respond to presses to the four buttons on the expansion board (on P2.0...P2.3) in a way that affects state transitions of the automata that control sound and lights
Furthermore, at least one of the functions that implements state transitions must be written in well-documented assembly language.
Inside the box, several demo programs were found alongside the MSP430 boards. ACME Solutions has provided these to you to aid with the development of your toy. Inside your repository you will find two directories. The "demos" directory contains the demo programs that were found and the "project" directory is where you will write the source code for your toy.