
A quick-start project framework for Gulp, Sass and Bower-powered development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gulp Chestnut

Not a Gulp module! This is just a boilerplate project template with a few commonly-used Gulp modules and pipelines for SCSS and Javascript compilation.

My goal with this is to build a versatile, easy-to-use precompilation tooling environment that I can re-use when doing frontend development using Gulp and Bower.

To use this, you need an understanding of npm, bower, gulp and sass,


  • Node Package Manager - for installing all of those Node packages, the foundation of a good development diet.
  • Bower - Similar to Node, but used mostly for frontend plugins included in the completed code, rather than build tools.
  • Gulp - The engine that takes all your code and compiles it into.

Getting Started

Quick Version

  1. npm install - to install the right stuff under the hood.
  2. bower install - to get some stuff from Bower.
  3. Configure Gulp - change the Gulp tasks to your liking to use the libraries you require for the project.
  4. gulp build - to compile Javascript libraries into one file.
  5. gulp watch - to watch the working files to compile them into minified versions.
  6. Happy coding!

Not-So-Quick Version

  1. Install Node and Node Package Manager - Node is the Javascript server technology that powers Node Package Manager, a great tool to manage dependencies.
  2. Install Node Packages - Using NPM, install the dependencies for this boilerplate by running npm install in the console.
  3. Install Bower Packages - bower install to install front-end code for the demo environment and libraries for your product.
  4. Configure Gulpfile - Add the libraries that you installed in Bower to the library compilation tasks as required.
  5. Compile libraries - gulp build - to compile Javascript libraries into one file.
  6. gulp watch - to watch the working files to compile them into minified versions.
  7. You're all set.

Folder Structure

  • /_source - contains all dev code which is compiled into production code. This folder is intended for all the code in the plugin or product being developed.
    • /js - Javascript Source. Compiled into single files, as well as a single minified library that includes all the code, saved into dist/js.
    • /scss - Sass Source. Compiled into single files, as well as a single minified library that includes all the code, saved into dist/css.
  • /demo - A folder where you can create a preview for the code product you're building.
    • /source - contains dev code for the demo environment. Similar to the main proudct source, but for the demo area.
      • /js - Javascript Source for demo environment. Compiled to demo/js.
      • /scss - SCSS Source for demo environment. Compiled to demo/css.
    • /css
    • /images
    • /js
    • index.html - Home page for the demo environment. Also a good place to use for dev purposes.
  • /dist - The folder where your completed production code is saved.
    • /css
    • /js
  • package.json - contains npm development dependencies. Change as needed.
  • bower.json - contains frontend code dependencies. Change as needed.


  • Quintin Schnehage - Initial work


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details