Indigo Markdown Editor Challenge

Welcome to the Indigo Ag React Code challenge.


Our goal is to build a minimal Markdown Editor that implements a tiny subset of the commonmark spec. It should only take about 1-2 hours to complete.

The template contains a text input area and an output area into which to render the formatted markdown. Our goal is to build something akin to this.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When text is entered in the input area it appears in the output area.
  • When text is separated by an empty new line, it get's rendered into a new block. By default we use p for blocks.
  • When a line starts with # and ## it is rendered in a h1 and h2 block respectively.
  • When a line starts with --- a hr element is rendered.


We are using React and you are free to use any CSS solution you like and install small helper libraries like lodash, but keep dependencies to an absolute minimum.

Keep the implementation simple, there are no bonus points for implementing more than what is required, we just want to see your ability to write clean JavaScript code, use React, and reason about some logic. You can put everything into the App.tsx file.

Please timebox yourself to 1-2 hours and commit regularly.

Development Environment

This is a regular stripped down Create React App project with typescript:


To submit your solution please create a private repository on GitHub, upload your code, and invite @mrloh as a collaborator.