
A Prometheus exporter for Cosmos node operators, exposing node status metrics, Cosmosvisor upgrades info and many more.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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cosmos-node-exporter is a Prometheus scraper that scrapes some data to monitor your node. It exposes the following metrics:

  • node status (voting power, whether the node is catching up or is stuck behind the blockchain)
  • app version (local binary, latest GitHub/Gitopia release and if you are running the latest version)
  • Cosmovisor metrics (version of Cosmovisor version itself)
  • upgrades metrics (time till upgrade, upgrade version, if you have a binary prepared for the upgrade)
  • chain metrics (cosmos-sdk version, Tendermint/CometBFT version, Go version/build tags)
  • node params (minimum-gas-prices)

Specifically, if you are a validator or a node operator, you can set up alerting if:

  • your app version does not match the latest on GitHub (can be useful to be notified on new releases)
  • your voting power is 0 for a validator node
  • your node is catching up
  • there are chain upgrades your node does not have binaries for
  • there's an upgrade coming soon

How can I set it up?

First, you need to download the latest release from the releases page. After that, you should unzip it, and you are ready to go:

wget <the link from the releases page>
tar xvfz <the filename you've just downloaded>
./cosmos-node-exporter <params>

To run it in detached mode in background, first, we have to copy the file to the system apps folder:

sudo cp ./cosmos-node-exporter /usr/bin

Then we need to create a systemd service for our app:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/cosmos-node-exporter.service

You can use this template (change the user to whatever user you want this to be executed from. It's advised to create a separate user for that instead of running it from root):

Description=Cosmos Node Exporter

ExecStart=cosmos-node-exporter --config <path to config>


Then we'll add this service to autostart and run it:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload # reflect changes in systemd files
sudo systemctl enable cosmos-node-exporter # enable service autostart
sudo systemctl start cosmos-node-exporter # start a service
sudo systemctl status cosmos-node-exporter # validate it's running

If you need to, you can also see the logs of the process:

sudo journalctl -u cosmos-node-exporter -f --output cat

How can I scrape data from it?

Here's the example of the Prometheus config you can use for scraping data:

  - job_name: 'cosmos-node-exporter'
    scrape_interval: 10s
      - targets: ['<your IP>:9500']

Then restart Prometheus and you're good to go!

What data can I get from it?

This exporter runs a single app, which is running a separate NodeHandler for each node in config and scrapes data for each of NodeHandlers.

Each of NodeHandlers has multiple Queriers, each of them querying a node or external resource (like GitHub) in some way, then returns a set of metrics. Each Querier can be enabled or disabled based on the config. Here's the list of Queriers:

Querier Metrics returned Requirements
NodeStatsQuerier Voting power, node status
(catching up, time since latest block)
Tendermint config
VersionsQuerier Local node version, remote node version,
whether the node is using the latest binary
Cosmovisor config (for local config),
GitHub config (for remote version),
both (for checking if the version used is latest)
UpgradesQuerier Whether there is an upcoming upgrade,
its data, estimated upgrade time and
whether the binary for the upgrade
is prepared
Tendermint config (for getting the upgrade plan), Cosmovisor config (for getting the built binaries), Tendermint config (for getting
the upgrade time if the height upgrade is
specified for the upgrade)
CosmovisorQuerier Cosmovisor version Cosmovisor config
NodeConfigQuerier Node's minimum-gas-prices and halt-height gRPC config, the chain should implement the cosmos.base.node.v1beta1/Config gRPC endpoint.
NodeInfoQuerier Running app version/git tag, cosmos-sdk version, Go version/build tags used to build it gRPC config
UptimeQuerier Global querier, returns the time the app was started at None
AppQuerier Global querier, returns app version None

Additionally, each Querier returns the list of actions it did (like, querying a node, getting GitHub latest release etc.) and whether they were successful a node. The exporter itself should never return an error (if it does, please file an issue), instead it will return all the data it could get, and additionally it'll return a metrics set with all the actions it could or couldn't do. You can set alerts based on that, for example, if node_status action is failing for a big period of time, likely the node is down.

All metrics are prefixed with cosmos_node_exporter_, to get the list of all metrics, try something like curl localhost:9500/metrics on a fullnode the binary is running at and look at the results.

How does it work?

It fetches some data from the local node by querying Tendermint RPC (listening on port 26657 by default), Cosmovisor binary, gRPC and GitHub/Gitopia.

How can I configure it?

All configuration is done via .toml config. Check config.example.toml for reference.

How can I contribute?

Bug reports and feature requests are always welcome! If you want to contribute, feel free to open issues or PRs.