- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
[Bug]: New child node loses focus
#64 opened by ankit-kapur - 2
Feature Request: Color of parent node
#61 opened by Sydher - 0
- 0
[Bug]: When I create a new node it does not seem to apply auto layout and puts it in the middle of the screen.
#62 opened by ashepp - 6
Feature Request: Foldable/Collapsable Branches
#37 opened by khad1r - 0
[Bug]: If I lengthen a module to a certain length, the following error will appear
#56 opened by tonghejiao - 0
Feature Request: I don't like create new child node in the middle.maybe someone can I choose where I create a new child node
#57 opened by tonghejiao - 0
- 0
- 0
Feature Request: when I input some word in the node, apear a pulley at the right.
#58 opened by tonghejiao - 0
Feature Request: Copy & paste markdown bullet list, creating separate cards for each bullet item
#36 opened by zenminimalist - 2
[Bug]: layout is broken
#54 opened by FreePhoenix888 - 1
Feature Request:
#27 opened by XuanNui - 1
Feature Request: several requests, including: possible to add an option to adjust the default width (and height) of the block?
#13 opened by ghweili - 2
- 4
Feature Request: new node direction setup?
#24 opened by atnoir - 8
- 2
Feature Request: Automaticly layout
#31 opened by Juan-hwt - 1
- 1
- 1
Feature Request:
#40 opened by ianTevesAcc - 1
Feature Request: Vertical Mode Switch
#43 opened by SiameseParrots - 2
- 1
What is the logic of navigation?
#47 opened by wwjCMP - 4
[Bug]: Nondeterministic behavior of tab key
#48 opened by devinat1 - 2
- 3
- 2
Feature Request: Hotkey to enter a node & navigate at the same time with the keyboard
#51 opened by 20112m - 1
[Bug]: None of the hotkeys are working
#55 opened by pharan - 1
#53 opened by zhl111 - 4
#39 opened by sharetocreate - 1
[Bug]: not install iPad
#21 opened by lwb52 - 1
Feature Request: shortcut to edit note
#42 opened by j-fuentes - 2
Feature Request: Custom hotkeys
#32 opened by daamiian - 1
[Bug]: Lost focus after created new node
#12 opened by Quorafind - 8
- 5
[Bug]: Enter does not create a brother node.
#22 opened by devinat1 - 2
- 7
[Bug]: I cannot create brother or child nodes
#29 opened by j-fuentes - 2
- 3
- 2
[Bug]: Unable to delete card
#38 opened by trileobayu - 1
[Bug]: plugin doesn't work on Obsidian v1.4.16
#41 opened by vramULB - 7
- 4
[Bug]: BRAT says "Release is not complete"
#18 opened by claremacrae