Hint 1: Contributions and corrections (I'm not a native english speaker) are welcome!
Hint 2: Proposals to work on one of the ideas are welcome too.
Somewhere in 2011 I've started to write down ideas that appeal to my taste. Here is a small batch (7 ideas):
Ever needed 'just a 100-200$' like, 'right now'? There are enough local 1-2 days jobs around almost any city I've been to, but it seems that there is no central place that does the search for these jobs right.
You've probably heard about "Average faces are fuckin' attractive". Here, for example. Well, the common sense tells also that different people like different facetypes.
I've made a following (not too rigorous) experiment: open facebook, download 10 faces that seem attractive to you IRL (all photos taken from a similar angle and corrected to a similar contrast/saturation/levels), put them in Photoshop and play for like an hour or so, layering them over eachother. Well, what came out was that: 1) 5 faces over eachother often allows for a more attractive face, 2) There were 3 average types that really appealed to me - though looked very different from eachother.
Most dating sites already include that game-like feature of rating photos. So why not include a feature of rating algorithm-produced averages of your top-rated photos? Then you get an array of most attractive averages (or, like, 'clusters of attractiveness') for each user, and try to couple new users according to these clusters.
Tweets show arbitrary information but not the subjective value of it. Imagine being able to glue a 1-to-5 (with 0.5 step, Amazon style) star rating to your tweets.
Examples of usage:
- Opens the possibility to rate information (take a link and compute average of its rankings over all tweets)
If you program, you know what I'm talking about: you see that shiny new technology/library someone's developed. The idea sounds cool, the reception is up the sky - BUT... What can I do with it? You know, there are tons of places where people share some really nifty use cases for all that new stuff - but why not centralize it?
You can't leave it to developers. Because only very few ppl make it right on their own. Here, for example.
Imagine being able to buy 3 devices with equally big touch screens and be able either to use them as an MP3-player/Watch/navigator/router/whatever - or combine them side-by-side, upload certain firmware and BAM - use it as a smartphone. Or buy more of these - and get a tablet. You know, lego-like.
The core idea: The purpose of much of the hardware should be defined through software.
In text, you have remarks (which, in the age of Internet, are still often shown at the bottom of the post/page/whatever), you have parts of the text that are intended only for some readers, you have all these optional branches that are either hidden, linked or just shown as if they are not optional.
Why not add a second layer to your text? See it as an accordion for text (so that if you select text with an accordion closed/opened, you select only the visible part). Here is a quick dirty example: http://jsfiddle.net/FRp57/4/.
Imagine XKCD existing on the street, on advertisement posters.
I'm tired of these advertisement posters where the end target is money. Why not make posters that appeal to the intellect, not to someone's wallet? Like, posters where the end target is to show a (an applied) mathematical idea (why math? Math is beautiful and can't be illegal at its core)?