Pinned issues
- 3
Farewell qwant maps
#206 opened by francois2metz - 3 should redirect to
#204 opened by jonsger - 0
- 0
POI seems to never be updated
#203 opened by atjn - 0
Show GPS coordinates in POI content panel
#202 opened by LynxUtz - 7
Show search results in map
#161 opened by nebulade - 2
Public Transit doesn't seem to work
#187 opened by zyphlar - 0
- 2
- 5
Why are opening hours for POIs not shown anymore?
#199 opened by sfkeller - 8
- 24
Old OSM data
#193 opened by BigKananga - 0
Show all tags
#198 opened by thegrasshopper104 - 0
- 4
Qwant maps not loading map in Librewolf
#172 opened by coffseducation - 2
Support addr:place in addresses
#184 opened by jonsger - 2
- 2
Using external POI data
#171 opened by Cj-Malone - 1
Rome is hidden by Vatican
#185 opened by xeruf - 1
- 1
- 1
German quick access: Flughafen -> Sport
#190 opened by BigKananga - 1
Mimirsbrunn repository has gone missing?
#194 opened by not-my-profile - 1
Local address not found
#195 opened by dannlebeau - 3
Add built in map editor
#160 opened by TheAdventurer64 - 1
Does not find "La Tejita" on Tenerife
#191 opened by xeruf - 0
Higher contrast for developed land areas
#188 opened by BigKananga - 2
Public transport routing and other stuff
#166 opened by DaN0mic - 3
Missing POIs through TripAdvisor
#176 opened by Itchiii - 0
Show state names for non-US countries
#183 opened by xeruf - 0
Use iD presets to enable basic POI editing
#186 opened by westnordost - 2
Problème sur les horaires, pas en lien avec l'heure
#181 opened by bristow - 0
Icône Station de recharge
#180 opened by bristow - 0
Ajout des étoiles campings et hotels
#178 opened by bristow - 11
- 0
- 2
Add orientation ray
#170 opened by Myzel394 - 1
Erreur adressage sur square
#169 opened by bristow - 0
Addresses displayed on the map
#174 opened by martino2002 - 0
Address geocoding not optimal
#175 opened by martino2002 - 1
Localization (Translation)
#159 opened by KovalevArtem - 4
- 3
Making qwant maps compatible to qwicks
#153 opened by Choupinounours - 2
Possible Add-Ins of Brands
#164 opened by arnowrld - 1
Bad results with pathfinder in cycle mode
#154 opened by Naheulf - 0
Show numbers of buildings
#156 opened by DaN0mic - 0
Display bicycle parking capacity info
#163 opened by NathanBnm - 4
Issues are left unanswered and unsolved
#165 opened by norz - 0
Reporting issues to Qwant Maps
#167 opened by remi-dupre - 0