A new C++ API for NLU at Qwant Research. The API is based on Tensorflow.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/QwantResearch/text-nlu.git
cd text-nlu
docker build -t text-nlu:latest .
This is the easiest way to start text-nlu service. Docker-compose starts both the TFserving and the text-nlu:
docker-compose up
You can change environment variables in the docker-compose.yml.
If you want to start text-nlu locally, make sure you have a tensorflow serving server running. Then launch text-nlu using:
./text-nlu [--threads <nthreads>] [--port <port>] [--grpc] [--debug]
--model_config_path <filename> --tfserving_host <address:port>
--threads (-t) number of threads (default 1)
--port (-p) port to use (default 9009)
--grpc (-g) use grpc service instead of rest
--debug (-d) debug mode (default false)
--model_config_path (-c) model_config_path file in which API configuration is set (needed)
--tfserving_host (-s) TFServing host (needed)
--help (-h) Show this message
You can also set environment variables instead of args, as in docker-compose.yml file.
Copyright 2019 Qwant Research. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
- e[dot]maudet[at]qwantresearch[dot]com
- p[dot]jackman[at]qwantresearch[dot]com
- n[dot]martin[at]qwantresearch[dot]com
- christophe[dot]servan[at]qwantresearch[dot]com