Acronym - Title: CONVAI-12 Authors: Bohdan Forostianyi, Jakub Koźliak Year, Group: 2023, group 4
Contents list
The bot is designed to act as an intermediary between Discord users and the Wikipedia platform. It will leverage the Wikipedia API to provide users with access to relevant information and resources from the platform directly through Discord.
Additionally, the bot will include a feature that allows users to receive recommendations for similar articles based on their search history or by passing an article as an argument. This feature will provide users with a personalized experience and facilitate discovery of related topics of interest.
Application will consists of two parts: first is a bot itself, second - language extraction model based in the cloud which will be able to analyze user history and provide recomendations.
As a model provider will be used Microsoft Azure and its KeyPhrases Service
Normally this service is paid
however, Azure allows for creation of a free account which goes with 200 USD
credits for use in the first month, which should be sufficient for demo.
Bot part of the project will be based on Python Discord API
It allows to extend basic Discord Server functionality by making event driven application for custom handling user's behaviour, in our case: reacting for text chat messages defined below.
Discord API provides easy way to integrate with user's Server by attaching extension to Server configuration.
The bot with provide users with two commands:
/search [query]
- which will search for an articles with title matching providedquery
and disaply it on Discord/recommend
- which will recommend articles to the user based on his search history
Our bot will be used on Discord Server as an extension for regular text channels. By default it will be available for every user on server, allowing them to search articles using WikipediaAPI.
Bot will need access to KeyPhraseService, which can be configured during bot installation on Discord Server.
WikipediaAPI is free to use, no need for further configuration.
In order to install and bot install dependencies from requirements.txt
file with pip install -r requirements.txt
(assuming that you want to add bot to your existing server)
- Clone repository, install dependencies and configure
file (see Configuration set-up) - To start a bot you should run
command. - Add bot to your server, you can use this link:[CLIENT_ID]&permissions=0&scope=bot, where your should replace
with your bot's client id (you can get it from Discord Developer Portal -> Applications -> [Your Application] -> OAuth2 -> Client ID)
Create .env
file with following variables:
- token for Discord Bot (you can get it from Discord Developer Portal -> Applications -> [Your Application] -> Bot -> Token)
- endpoint for KeyPhraseService (you can get it from Azure Portal -> Resources -> [Your Resource Name] -> Keys and Endpoints -> Endpoint)
- key for KeyPhraseService (you can get it from Azure Portal -> Resources -> [Your Resource Name] -> Keys and Endpoints -> Key 1)
On your server type: /search [query]
to search for an article with title matching provided query
Bot will return 10 articles most relevant to your request.
After that run recommend, which will return 10 articles most relevant to your search history.
Let's assume our user was recently interested in fantasy and searched for topics related to orcs and to world of Warcraft, as it shown below.
After some time he found an information about everything he needed and decides to ask for recomendation.
So he types command recommend
and he is presented with the following results
Discord provides a simple way to extend its functionality by creating custom bots which does not require a lot of configuration. Messanger nature of Discord makes it a perfect platform for conversational AIs, that can interact with users and help them with their daily tasks, by reading text messages or even interacting with voice commands. In this project we deomnstrated how to create a simple bot which can search Wikipedia articles and recommend new ones based on user's search history. The platform used for Conversational AI was Microsoft Azure, which provides a lot of services for Natural Language Processing, including KeyPhraseService. However, it is not the only one, and we do claim that it is the cheapest one: during development authors made requests to approximately 200 documents extractions and spent 20$ of their subscription. So before using it in production more in depth comparison between other provides (e.g. Amazon, OpenAI) should be done before making a decision.