
Edit values of a config file to customize the difficulty of your next Subnautica survival or hardcore playthrough.

Primary LanguageC#

Requires the use of QModManager found on Nexus Mods




Should be located in QMods\SNHardcorePlus folder. This is where you customize your experience by editing the values of each key

Be aware that DayNightCycle affects many parts of the game: plant growth, crafting time, and other unforseen things
Name Value Description
DayNightCycleMultiplier 1.0 the rate of time passing
CraftingCostMultiplier 1 a value of 5 would make every blueprint require 5 times more of each ingredient
PowerUsedPerCraft 5.0 how much power does each item use when crafting
CyclopsShieldPowerCost 50.0 the default consumption of shields. needs more testing
CyclopsSonarPowerCost 10.0 power cost of the cyclops sonar
CyclopsSilentPowerCost 5.0 power cost of the cyclops silent mode
PlantGrowRateMultiplier 1.0 adjust the rate which plants mature
MaproomPowerDrainMultiplier 0.5 should be called MaproomPowerCost
HealthRegenerationThreshold 0.75 the percentage of FoodMax+WaterMax you must be above before you regen
HealthRegenerationAmount 0.5 how much hp you regen every 10 seconds while above the regen threshold
HealtKitRestoreAmount 50.0 50hp returned per medical kit
RawDamageMultiplier 1.0 2.0 would cause all damage to double when applied to the player
HealthMax 100.0 maximum health available to player
WaterMax 100.0 maximum water value available to the player
FoodMax 100.0 maximum food value available to player
FoodOverchargeMax 150.0 maximum value to which food can be overcharged
HealthRespawnRatio 0.6 sets health at 60% of HealthMax when you respawn
FoodStart 60.0 the value of food you respawn with
WaterStart 40.0 the value of water you respawn with
FoodDrainMultiplier 1.0 the rate of drain on the player's food supply
WaterDrainMultiplier 1.0 the rate of drain on the player's water supply
OxygenDrainMultiplier 1.0 the rate of oxygen consumption of the player
PrawnSeamothPowerDrainMultiplier 1.0 power usage for prawn and seamoth
HandToolsPowerDrainMultiplier 1.0 power usage for handheld tools
StarvationDamageMultiplier 25.0 25 is the default value in the game's code. adjust accordingly
DehydrationDamageMultiplier 25.0 25 is the default value in the game's code. adjust accordingly
	"DayNightCycleMultiplier": 1.0,
	"CraftingCostMultiplier": 1,
	"PowerUsedPerCraft": 5.0,
	"CyclopsShieldPowerCost": 50.0,
	"CyclopsSonarPowerCost": 10.0,
	"CyclopsSilentPowerCost": 5.0,
	"PlantGrowRateMultiplier": 1.0,
	"MaproomPowerDrainMultiplier": 0.5,
	"HealthRegenerationThreshold": 0.75,
	"HealthRegenerationAmount": 0.5,
	"HealthKitRestoreAmount": 50.0,
	"RawDamageMultiplier": 1.0,
	"HealthMax": 100.0,
	"FoodMax": 100.0,
	"WaterMax": 100.0,
	"FoodOverchargeMax": 150.0,
	"HealthRespawnRatio": 0.6,
	"FoodStart": 60.0,
	"WaterStart": 40.0,
	"FoodDrainMultiplier": 1.0,
	"WaterDrainMultiplier": 1.0,
	"OxygenDrainMultiplier": 1.0,
	"PrawnSeamothPowerDrainMultiplier": 1.0,
	"HandToolsPowerDrainMultiplier": 1.0,
	"StarvationDamageMultiplier": 25.0,
	"DehydrationDamageMultiplier": 25.0