Cmas Reporting Interface

Primary LanguageCSS

CMaS Reporting Interface

Daniel Pittman
ICT Specialist, MVS

Critic is reporting interface for cmas analysts to quickly and effeciently do reporting
on Gearbox CMU alerts.

       .d''           ``b.
     .p'                `q.
    .d'                   `b.    * Mezzanine 4.2.3
   .d'                     `b.   * Django 1.10.7
   ::                       ::   * Python 3.6.0
  ::    M E Z Z A N I N E    ::  * SQLite 3.14.2
   ::                       ::   * Windows 10
   `p.                     .q'   * Mezzanine-api 0.6.0
    `p.                   .q'    * Sublime Text 2.0.2
     `b.                 .d'     

TODO: Integrate history widget
      Integrate history search