Primary LanguagePython


Code for the paper "BAIL: Best-Action Imitation Learning for Batch Deep Reinforcement Learning"(link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12179), published at NeurIPS 2020.

The BAIL implementation can be found under spinup/algos/BAIL/. Code runs with pytorch >= 1.2, mujoco 150

Run experiment

Create a folder of the path "spinup/algos/BAIL/buffers" and put the RL batches there.

Then you run BAIL in the following procedure:

Under the BAIL folder, first do the returns calculation with python main_get_mcret.py, which stores the calculated returns in "./results".

Then run BAIL with python main_static_bail.py or run Progressive BAIL with python main_prog_bail.py. We use the logger of Spinup to record algorithmic performances. You may consult Spinup documentation for output and plotting: (https://spinningup.openai.com/en/latest/user/saving_and_loading.html, https://spinningup.openai.com/en/latest/user/plotting.html). Or you could modify the code and save it in your style.


Implementation of the BCQ algorithm: https://github.com/sfujim/BCQ

BAIL performance on 62 batches

sigma=0.1 Hopper B1 2173 291
sigma=0.1 Hopper B2 2078 180
sigma=0.1 Walker B1 1125 113
sigma=0.1 Walker B2 3141 300
sigma=0.1 HC B1 5746 29
sigma=0.1 HC B2 7212 43
sigma=0.5 Hopper B1 2054 158
sigma=0.5 Hopper B2 2623 282
sigma=0.5 Walker B1 2522 51
sigma=0.5 Walker B2 3115 133
sigma=0.5 HC B1 1055 9
sigma=0.5 HC B2 7173 120
SAC Hopper B1 3296 105
SAC Hopper B2 1831 915
SAC Walker B1 2455 211
SAC Walker B2 4767 130
SAC HC B1 10143 77
SAC HC B2 10772 59
SAC Ant B1 4284 64
SAC Ant B2 4946 148
SAC Humanoid B1 3852 430
SAC Humanoid B2 3565 153
M sigma=0 Hopper B1 1026 0
M sigma=0 Hopper B2 696 233
M sigma=0 Walker B1 437 20
M sigma=0 Walker B2 500 12
M sigma=0 HC B1 4057 69
M sigma=0 HC B2 4013 12
M sigma=0 Ant B1 753 9
M sigma=0 Ant B2 738 4
M sigma=0 Humanoid B1 4313 139
M sigma=0 Humanoid B2 4053 252
M sigma=sigma(s) Hopper B1 375 52
M sigma=sigma(s) Hopper B2 254 102
M sigma=sigma(s) Walker B1 384 21
M sigma=sigma(s) Walker B2 512 24
M sigma=sigma(s) HC B1 4744 19
M sigma=sigma(s) HC B2 4123 19
M sigma=sigma(s) Ant B1 790 9
M sigma=sigma(s) Ant B2 781 6
M sigma=sigma(s) Humanoid B1 1375 387
M sigma=sigma(s) Humanoid B2 1309 372
O sigma=0 Hopper B1 2602 5
O sigma=0 Hopper B2 3046 34
O sigma=0 Walker B1 2735 26
O sigma=0 Walker B2 3019 6
O sigma=0 HC B1 11265 243
O sigma=0 HC B2 11360 265
O sigma=0 Ant B1 4901 65
O sigma=0 Ant B2 4975 108
O sigma=0 Humanoid B1 4872 895
O sigma=0 Humanoid B2 5320 125
O sigma=sigma(s) Hopper B1 2359 153
O sigma=sigma(s) Hopper B2 2035 217
O sigma=sigma(s) Walker B1 2834 120
O sigma=sigma(s) Walker B2 3200 16
O sigma=sigma(s) HC B1 10258 1255
O sigma=sigma(s) HC B2 10882 634
O sigma=sigma(s) Ant B1 4981 91
O sigma=sigma(s) Ant B2 5067 83
O sigma=sigma(s) Humanoid B1 2129 381
O sigma=sigma(s) Humanoid B2 4328 569


If you use our code, please cite our paper:

 author = {Chen, Xinyue and Zhou, Zijian and Wang, Zheng and Wang, Che and Wu, Yanqiu and Ross, Keith},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {H. Larochelle and M. Ranzato and R. Hadsell and M. F. Balcan and H. Lin},
 pages = {18353--18363},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {BAIL: Best-Action Imitation Learning for Batch Deep Reinforcement Learning},
 url = {https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/file/d55cbf210f175f4a37916eafe6c04f0d-Paper.pdf},
 volume = {33},
 year = {2020}