
Smart contracts for the HyperVIBES project.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Smart contracts for the HyperVIBES project.

Current Deployments

Find all contract addresses and related repos at docs.hypervibes.xyz:


Install dependencies:


Compile all artifacts and generate typechain types:

yarn build

Run unit tests:

yarn test

Run unit tests showing gas usage by function and deploy costs:

REPORT_GAS=1 yarn test

Run unit tests and report coverage:

yarn test:coverage


Copy .env.example to .env and override the default values before deploying.

Deploy the contract:

yarn deploy --network ropsten

This will output the deployed contract address in the console.


Verify on Etherscan, using the contract address from the previous step.

yarn verify --network ropsten $CONTRACT_ADDRESS

Verification may fail if run too quickly after contract deployment.

If you are verifying for polygon or mumbai networks, set the POLYGON env var:

POLYGON=1 yarn verify --network polygon $CONTRACT_ADDRESS

If you are verifying for the arbitrum or arbitrum-rinkeby network, set the ARBITRUM env var:

ARBITRUM=1 yarn verify --network arbitrum $CONTRACT_ADDRESS

If you are verifying for the fantom network, set the FANTOM env var:

FANTOM=1 yarn verify --network fantom $CONTRACT_ADDRESS

Test Fixtures

To deploy test fixtures and contracts (can help with testing):

yarn deploy:fixtures --network ropsten