Image Filtering Microservice

It is a Node-Express application which runs a simple script to process images, and is deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

You'll need to create a new node server. we should open a new terminal within the project directory and run:

Initialize a new project: npm i
run the development server with npm run dev

Running application locally

Follow this process to run application locally

  • Install npm

run :

   npm install
   npm run dev

Deploying your system

Follow this process to initialize and deploy your image-filtering-service via the awsebcli.

  • Install awsebcli

For deploying use :

   eb init
   npm run build

Open .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml and add the following lines at the very bottom of the file

    artifact: ./www/

back to the terminal, run:

   eb create
   eb deploy


Base url: http://localhost:8082

filtering an image

Path Parameter Description
filteredimage image_url Required. The image url to filter

Example: http://localhost:8082/filteredimage?image_url=

Note: All API requests require authorization headers (click here to generate a token).

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployed application dashboard. depcruise generated graph

Postman collection file is here.