Pocket Pollster

This is an application demonstrating the power and simplicity of the React framework It enables users to create, answer, and view statistics about polls.


To get started developing right away:

  • install all project dependencies with npm install
  • start the development server with npm start

What You're Getting

├── README.md - This file.
├── package.json # npm package manager file.
├── package-lock.json # npm package manager file.
├── yarn.lock # yarn package manager file.
├── node_modules
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico # React Icon, You may change if you wish.
│   └── index.html # DO NOT MODIFY
└── src
    ├── index.css # Global styles.
    ├── index.js # You should not need to modify this file. It is used for DOM rendering only.
    ├── logo.svg # React Logo.
    ├── utils # Miscellaneous reusable data and functions
    │   ├── helpers.js # formmatting functions
    │   ├── api.js # middleware between react front end and js back-end 
    │   └── _DATA.js # back-end data and low level code to access it
    ├── reducers # returning application expected state based on intended action
    │   ├── authedUser.js # for states related to user authentication
    │   ├── index.js # wrapper object for easily importing and exporting all reducers
    │   ├── questions.js # for states related to questions
    │   └── users.js # for states related to user accounts
    ├── middleware # providing information and hooks for action between dispatch and persistence
    │   ├── logger.js # logging pre and post action states to the browser dev tool console
    │   └── index.js # wrapper object for easily importing and exporing all middleware
    ├── components # UI and Business logic
    │   ├── App.js # this is the root of the app
    │   ├── AuthedUser.js # for user authentication
    │   ├── AuthedUserBar.js # for authenticated user info displaying in a bar at the top of every route
    │   ├── Leaderboard.js # for user ranking
    │   ├── Nav.js # for navigation bar displayed at the top of every route
    │   ├── NewQuestion.js # for adding a poll
    │   ├── Question.js # for viewing, navigating to and/or answering a question
    │   ├── Questions.js # for listing questions
    │   └── Users.js # for listing users and their stats
    ├── actions # For persisting to the redux store
    │   ├── authedUser.js # for user authentication
    │   ├── questions.js # for questions
    │   ├── questions.js # wrapper for easily importing and exporting all actions
    │   └── users.js # for users

Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. You can find more information on how to perform common tasks here.


Do not hesitate to submit a pull request.

For details, check out CONTRIBUTING.md.