Snowflake Safe SDK provides an easy way to interact with the Snowflake Safe app and onchain programs
Install with npm
npm i @snowflake-so/safe-sdk
Install with yarn
yarn add @snowflake-so/safe-sdk
To create a new Snowflake service, we would need to initialize with the Provider.
// if your Anchor version is older than 0.24.2,
// please use Snowflake SDK version 1.0.11 and initialize the provider as below
let provider: Provider = Provider.local(API_URL);
// if your Anchor version is 0.24.2 or later,
// please use the latest version of Snowflake SDK and initialize the provider as below
let provider: Provider = AnchorProvider.local(API_URL);
is the endpoint to the Solana cluster. Empty API_URL is pointed to the local testnet
- Mainnet Beta:
- Testnet:
- Devnet:
let snowflakeSafe: SnowflakeSafe = new SnowflakeSafe(provider);
Fetch safe onchain information by safe address
await snowflakeSafe.fetchSafe(safeAddress);
Fetch all onchain proposals of the safe
await snowflakeSafe.fetchAllProposals(safeAddress);
Fetch onchain proposal information
await snowflakeSafe.fetchProposal(proposalAddress);
Fetch all safes that the provided wallet owned
await snowflakeSafe.fetchOwnedSafes(ownerAddress);
Create a new safe with one owner and approvals required as one
const input = {
approvalsRequired: 1,
owners: [owner],
const [newSafeAddress, txId] = await snowflakeSafe.createSafe(
Create a new proposal that can be executed by any safe owners
const response = await snowflakeSafe.createProposal(safeAddress, 'hello world', instructions);
Create a new recurring proposal that can be executed automatically by Snowflake node operators
const proposal = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
.scheduleCron('0 0 * * *')
const [newProposalAddress, txId] = await snowflakeSafe.createRecurringProposal(
In production, there is proposal created with multiple actions which has bunches of accounts. This method is used to solve the issue
const [newProposalAddress] = await snowflakeSafe.createProposal(
'hello world',
true // Set separatedActions parameter to true
The method will create a new instruction to propose adding new owner to the safe
const ix = await snowflakeSafe.createAddOwnerProposalInstruction(safeAddress, newOwner);
The method will create a new instruction to propose removing an existing owner from the safe
const ix = await snowflakeSafe.createRemoveOwnerProposalInstruction(safeAddress, newOwner);
The method will create a new instruction to propose changing threshold of the safe
const ix = await snowflakeSafe.createChangeThresholdProposalInstruction(safeAddress, newThreshold);
await snowflakeSafe.approveProposal(flowAddress);
await snowflakeSafe.rejectProposal(flowAddress);
await snowflakeSafe.executeProposal(flowAddress);
await snowflakeSafe.abortRecurringProposal(flowAddress);
With Snowflake SDK, you can create a job with two line of code.
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
Schedule a job that runs every minute for 10 times.
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
.scheduleCron('* * * * *', 10)
Schedule a job that runs at 10:00 AM on the first day of every month .
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
.scheduleCron('0 10 1 * *')
Schedule a job that is triggered based on an arbitrary condition defined within the user program.
const job = new MultisigJobBuilder()
.jobName('hello world')
If you have any problem with using the SDK in your system, drop a question our Snowflake Discord #sdk to receive a support from our engineers.
If you find a bug or have any problem and idea while using the SDK, you can create an issue on SDK Github.
Apache Version 2.0