
The TWD project is an attempt to apply the Feynman Technique to web development, thereby accruing review materials for self-study and better-understanding, as well as for a future project for helping aspiring web developers.

Overview of the Internet: Let's start small. Here's a single computer []. Here's another []. How would they communicate? They can't just talk to each other like friends do in a conversation. But what if we connected them with a cable? They could exchange info then. Or maybe one computer doesn't want to connect to the other, so it says, "Talk to my lawyer" so the two have to talk through a middleman -- a router. Either way, by connecting two computers, you've created your first network. A network is simply a system of interconnected people or things.

But what if your computer wanted to communicate with another computer across the country? You can't simply loop a wire there. You're bound to have more middlemen, like an Internet Service Provider, sending your package from node to node until it reaches its destination. And obviously there would be rules and protocols in place to keep your package from getting lost, which we might call TCP/IP (Tranmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

GOOGLE DEV TOOLS MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) Documentation