This project was made for the Build a Tribute Page project on freeCodeCamp at <~~~~~~~~~~* Specs of project as laid out by FreeCodeCamp below: *~~~~~~~~> 1. Objective: Build a app that is functionally similar to this: 2. Fulfill the below user stories. Use whichever libraries you need. Give it your own personal style. 3. User Story: I can view a tribute page with an image and text. 4. User Story: I can click on a link that will take me to an external website with further information on the topic. 5. Remember to use Read-Search-Ask if you get stuck. 6. When you are finished, click the "I've completed this challenge" button and include a link to your CodePen. 7. You can get feedback on your project by sharing it with your friends on Facebook. <~~~~~~~~~~~~* My personal additions & experimentation *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 1. Use of new CSS Grid layout method 2. Use of block quotes & figures 3. Use of embedded links to other parts of page 4. Use of sticky header with nav bar 5. Use of drop shadow to style elements 6. Use of cleaner semantic markup (header, footer, section, nav) when appropriate vs divs 7. Use of background-images and subtle textures 8. Use of externally linked font-family as alternatives to bland defaults <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Things to work on *~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 1. Learn flexbox so I can use it in addition to CSS grid 2. I really don't have an eye for design and have no idea how to un-uglify pages. Will have to look at other sites to see what they do. HOORAY, I'VE BUILT MY FIRST WEB PAGE!!!
Tribute page project per the specs found at