A Realistic Density Kerbolar System config pack for KSP/Kopernicus

The UnlicenseUnlicense


A Realistic Density Kerbolar System config pack for KSP/Kopernicus

License: UnLicense

This mod does the following things:

1.) Rescales the stock sun to represent a fully physically/graviationally/density correct spectral type G6V star, using OhioBob's wonderful KSPAtmoCalculator excel doc.

2.) Rescales all stock planets to 5x their current radius.

3.) Furthermore, all planets (not moons) orbits are moved to 10x their orbit from the center G6v Star.

4.) Moons are moved to 5x their original orbital distance.

5.) Kopernicus's density calculator facility is then used to generate realistic masses/densities/surface gravities, etc for all objects. (Yes, this results in all objects having a lower ASL gravity, Kerbin is about ~0.45x normal).

6.) To represent Kerbal development in a lower gee environment, engine/RCS thrust output is halved and if a reliablilty mod like Kerbalism is used, burn time+ignitions doubled. Kerbals can also not jump any higher than usual on Kerbin, as their jump strength has been multiplied by 0.45x to represent the new surface environment.

7.) If Principia is present, retrobop modification is applied to keep Jool stable (may not be needed but better safe than sorry).

8.) To ensure the worlds are not entirely flat at this rescale, landscape height is raised a bit (technically x1.25) and the PQS level is raised a 2 levels.

Required mods are Kopernicus & SigmaDimensions

You'll get a better experience if you add the following optional mods:

EVE (Volumterics work too), Scatterer, Parallax, Kronometer (Custom Calendar is explained in zip of release), uses 24h days.

If you want to play "hard mode" try adding Principia (it works and is how I really play!)

When starting a game, always set Kerbal Gee Tolerance to 0.5x for best experience. Also, Only use Terrain Preset high in Settings or Parallax may spaz out, amongst other things!

Screenshot time:

Barebones Screenshots (No optional mods):


All optional (sans commercial) mods screenshots:
