International Women Day Ideas

Primary LanguageR


International Women's Day Ideas

Every March 8, R-Ladies launches a campaign for International Women's Day using the twitter account @rladies_iwd

Here some details of previous campaigns:

Other ideas for future campaigns

  • Catalog the meetup material in GitHub from the chapters and tweet this material during the campaign.
  • Make a list of blogs (and posts) by R-Ladies, and tweet this material on March 8.
  • Make a list of packages built for/by R-Ladies and post this during the campaign.

Catalog the meetup material in GitHub from the chapters and tweet this material during the campaign

We have this code from Marianna Foos as a starting point:

library(dplyr)repolist <- fromJSON("https://api.github.com/users/rladies/repos?page=1&per_page=100")
repolist2 <- fromJSON("https://api.github.com/users/rladies/repos?page=2&per_page=100")pres_repos <- grep("presentation", c(repolist$name, repolist2$name),
     value = T, ignore.case = T)combin <- list()
for (r in 1:length(pres_repos)){
  try(url <- GET(paste0("https://api.github.com/repos/rladies", "/", pres_repos[r], "/contents"),
                 authenticate("user name", Sys.getenv("GITHUBTOKEN")),
                 query = list(state = "all")))
  if (!(is.null(url))){
    contents <- fromJSON(content(url, type = "text"))
    df <- contents %>%
      filter(name != "README.md") %>%
      mutate(repo = pres_repos[r]) %>%
      select(-`_links`) #bind_rows won't work unless you remove this column
    combin[[r]] <- df
fulldata <- bind_rows(combin) %>%
  filter(!(startsWith(name, "."))) %>%
  filter(!(startsWith(name, "_")))

This could be a starting point for order and made more searchable and findable our materials.


Step 1: a week before 8M we start tweeting about the campaign, we can use something like this as a start point: https://www.canva.com/design/DADQogEJSyE/DKhQvMc602cnmCtt4w1jhg/edit

Step 2: the day before 8M, we post some stats about R-Ladies' events: here is the code with some stats idea as a starting point. Here is the data

Step 3: on 8M (48 hours), we tweet the material from Chapters repo (we have to figure out how to compile the list of materials).

  • 3.1: We tweet about the web pages of chapters that have one.
  • 3.2: We tweet all the github repo that chapters that have one.
  • 3.3: we tweet material from the repos about specific topics (rmarkdown, gglot, tidyverse, etc., etc.)

Step 4: Celebrate and enjoy another IWD!!