Add the JShareRN pod to your list of application pods in your Podfile, using the path from the Podfile to the installed module:
pod 'JShareRN', :path => '../node_modules/jshare-react-native'
pod 'JCoreRN', :path => '../node_modules/jcore-react-native'
Install pods as usual::
pod install
- Checkout configuration
- Add JSharePackage, Don't forget the parameters !
- Checkout AndroidManifest
- Add JGShareSDK.xml
- Add WXEntryActivity
- Add JChatProCallbackActivity
That's it.
Import JShareModule:
your component.js
... import JShareModule from 'jshare-react-native'; JShareModule.setup(param) // iOS 调用该方法才能正常使用, param 参考 API 文档
Use JShareModule call APIs, API Document