A repository containing xCall early testing Smart Contracts. Specifically, ./Contracts/dapp-sample
package contains showcase proxy smart contract.
You need to install JDK 11 or later version. Visit OpenJDK.net for prebuilt binaries.
Or you can install a proper OpenJDK package from your OS vendors.
You will also need jq
Please find below the recommanded commands to run to install these packages:
- In macOS:
$ # Install brew
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
$ # Install JDK
$ brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
$ brew cask install adoptopenjdk11
$ # Install JQ
$ brew install jq
- In Windows (Windows 10 or later)
You can install the JDK11 natively, but you will need bash
in order to run the HelloWorld deploy scripts.
Please install WSL first, so you can follow the same instructions than Linux.
- In Linux (Ubuntu 18.04):
$ # Install JDK
$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
$ # Install JQ
$ sudo apt install jq
./gradlew build
./gradlew clean build
(for subsequent clean builds)
This should run all the unittest, and run successfully with a similar output than below:
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
> Task :Tests:customIrc2Token-Test:test
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended
52 actionable tasks: 52 executed
You'll need python3 and pip installed on your machine beforehand.
Now we can install the virtualenv and the dependencies:
$ # Run this in the ./scripts folder of the project
$ python -m venv ./venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Everytime you want to use the build & deploy system, please do source ./venv/bin/activate
inside ./scripts
In order to deploy/update the contract keystore and password must be configured as following:
- Put keystore content in "scripts/config/keystores/{network}/operator.icx"
- Put keystore password in "scripts/config/keystores/{network}/operator.pwd"
Note: {network}
should be replaced with network name you are deploying/updating to!
Make sure you have enough ICX in wallet!
$ # Run this in the root folder of the project
$ # We specify "lisbon" as an argument here, which means the contracts
$ # will be deployed on Lisbon. You can set it to "custom" too for the
$ # custom network
$ ./scripts/scenario/1.deploy_hello_world.sh lisbon
# This should end with the following message
[🎉] HelloWorld have been successfully deployed!
$ # Run this in the root folder of the project
$ # We specify "lisbon" as an argument here, which means the contracts
$ # will be deployed on Lisbon. You can set it to "custom" too for the
$ # custom network
$ ./scripts/scenario/2.deploy_custom_irc2_token.sh lisbon
# This should end with the following message
[🎉] CustomIrc2Token have been successfully deployed!
$ # Run this in the root folder of the project
$ # We specify "lisbon" as an argument here, which means the contracts
$ # will be updated on Lisbon. You can set it to "custom" too for the
$ # custom network
$ ./scripts/scenario/1.1.update_hello_world.sh lisbon
# This should end with the following message
[🎉] HelloWorld have been successfully updated!
$ # Run this in the root folder of the project
$ # We specify "lisbon" as an argument here, which means the contracts
$ # will be updated on Lisbon. You can set it to "custom" too for the
$ # custom network
$ ./scripts/scenario/2.1.update_custom_irc2_token.sh lisbon
# This should end with the following message
[🎉] CustomIrc2Token have been successfully updated!