A native C# conversion of Kevin Robertsons Invoke-SMBExec powershell script. (https://github.com/Kevin-Robertson/Invoke-TheHash/blob/master/Invoke-SMBExec.ps1)
Built for .NET 4.5
Sharp-WMIExec.exe -h "hash" -u "username" -d "domain.tld" -t "target.domain.tld" -c "command"
This Assembly will allow you to execute a command on a target machine using WMI by providing an NTLM hash for the specified user.
GlobalOption Description
Help (-?)
Username* (-u) Username to use for authentication
Hash* (-h) NTLM Password hash for authentication. This module will accept either LM:NTLM or NTLM format
Domain (-d) Domain to use for authentication. This parameter is not needed with local accounts or when using @domain after the username
Target (-t) Hostname or IP Address of the target.
Command (-c) Command to execute on the target. If a command is not specified, the function will check to see if the username and hash provide local admin access on the target
Sleep (-st) Time in seconds to sleep. Change this value if you're getting weird results. [Default='15']
Debug (-dbg) Switch, Enabled debugging [Default='False']