node-hid - Access USB HID devices from Node.js
- Platform Support
- Installation
- Examples
- Usage
- Complete API
- devices = HID.devices()
- device = new HID.HID(path)
- device = new HID.HID(vid,pid)
- device.on('data', function(data) {} )
- device.on('error, function(error) {} )
- device.write(data)
- device.close()
- device.pause()
- device.resume()
- device.readSync()
- device.readTimeout(time_out)
- device.sendFeatureReport(data)
- device.getFeatureReport(report_id, report_length)
- Notes for Specific Devices
- Linux-specific Notes
- Compiling from source
- To build node-hid from source for your project:
- To build node-hid for development:
- Using node-hid in Electron projects
- Using node-hid in NW.js projects
- Support
Platform Support
supports Node.js v4 and upwards. For versions 0.10 and 0.12,
you will need to build from source. The platforms, architectures and node versions node-hid
supports are the following.
Those with checks we provide pre-built binaries, for the others you will need to compile.
Platform / Arch | Node v4.x | Node v6.x | Node v7.x | Node v8.x | Electron v1.0.2 | Electron v1.2.8 | Electron v1.3.13 | Electron v1.4.15 | Electron v1.5.0 | Electron v1.6.0 | Electron v1.7.0 |
Windows / x86 | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Windows / x64 | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Mac OSX / x64 | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Linux / x64 | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ | ☑ |
Linux / ia32¹ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Linux / ARM v6¹ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Linux / ARM v7¹ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Linux / ARM v8¹ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Linux / MIPSel¹ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Linux / PPC64¹ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
¹ ia32, ARM, MIPSel and PPC64 platforms are known to work but are not currently part of our test or build matrix. ARM v4 and v5 was dropped from Node.js after Node v0.10.
For most "standard" use cases (node v4.x on mac, linux, windows on a x86 or x64 processor), node-hid
will install nice and easy with a standard:
npm install node-hid
Installation Special Cases
We are using prebuild to compile and post binaries of the library for most common use cases (linux, mac, windows on standard processor platforms). If you are on a special case, node-hid
will work, but it will compile the binary when you install.
If node-hid
doesn't have a pre-built binary for your system
(e.g. Linux on Raspberry Pi),
is used to compile node-hid
locally. It will need the pre-requisites
listed in Compling from source below.
In the src/
directory, various JavaScript programs can be found
that talk to specific devices in some way. Some interesting ones:
- display all HID devices in the systemtest-ps3-rumbleled.js
- Read PS3 joystick and control its LED & rumblerstest-powermate.js
- Read Griffin PowerMate knob and change its LEDtest-blink1.js
- Fade colors on blink(1) RGB LEDtest-bigredbutton.js
- Read Dreamcheeky Big Red Button
To try them out, call them like node src/showdevices.js
from the node-hid directory.
List all HID devices connected
var HID = require('node-hid');
var devices = HID.devices();
will contain an array of objects, one for each HID device
available. Of particular interest are the vendorId
, as they uniquely identify a device, and the
, which is needed to open a particular device.
Sample output:
[ { vendorId: 1452,
productId: 595,
path: 'USB_05ac_0253_0x100a148e0',
serialNumber: '',
manufacturer: 'Apple Inc.',
product: 'Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad',
release: 280,
interface: -1 },
{ vendorId: 1452,
productId: 595,
path: 'USB_05ac_0253_0x100a14e20',
serialNumber: '',
manufacturer: 'Apple Inc.',
product: 'Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad',
release: 280,
interface: -1 },
<and more>
Opening a device
Before a device can be read from or written to, it must be opened.
The path
can be determined by a prior HID.devices() call.
Use either the path
from the list returned by a prior call to HID.devices()
var device = new HID.HID(path);
or open the first device matching a VID/PID pair:
var device = new HID.HID(vid,pid);
The device
variable will contain a handle to the device.
If an error occurs opening the device, an exception will be thrown.
Reading from a device
A node-hid
device is an EventEmitter.
Reading from a device is performed by registering a "data" event handler:
device.on("data", function(data) {});
You can also listen for errors like this:
device.on("error", function(err) {});
- All reading is asynchronous
- The
event receives INPUT reports. To receive Feature reports, see thereadFeatureReport()
method below. - To remove an event handler, close the device with
Writing to a device
Writing to a device is performed using the write call in a device handle. All writing is synchronous.
device.write([0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0xff, 0xff]);
- The
method sends OUTPUT reports. To send Feature reports, see thesendFeatureReport()
method below. - Some devices use reportIds for OUTPUT reports. If that is the case,
the first byte of the array to
should be the reportId. - BUG: if the first byte of a
is 0x00, you may need to prepend an extra 0x00 due to a bug in hidapi (see issue #187)
Complete API
devices = HID.devices()
- Return array listing all connected HID devices
device = new HID.HID(path)
- Open a HID device at the specifed platform-speific path
device = new HID.HID(vid,pid)
- Open first HID device with speciic VendorId and ProductId
device.on('data', function(data) {} )
- Buffer - the data read from the device
device.on('error, function(error) {} )
- The error Object emitted
- the data to be synchronously written to the device
Closes the device. Subsequent reads will raise an error.
Pauses reading and the emission of data
This method will cause the HID device to resume emmitting data
If no listeners are registered for the data
event, data will be lost.
When a data
event is registered for this HID device, this method will
be automatically called.
Low-level function call to initiate an asynchronous read from the device.
is of the form callback(err, data)
Return an array of numbers data. If an error occurs, an exception will be thrown.
- timeout in milliseconds Return an array of numbers data. If an error occurs, an exception will be thrown.
- data of HID feature report, with 0th byte being report_id ([report_id,...]
device.getFeatureReport(report_id, report_length)
- HID feature report id to getreport_length
- length of report
Notes for Specific Devices
- Xbox 360 Controller on Windows 10 -- does not work
Linux-specific Notes
and usagePage
device info fields
These are not available on Linux, only Mac and Windows. For reason why, and to ask for its addition, see: signal11/hidapi#6
hidraw support
To install node-hid with the hidraw
driver instead of the default libusb one,
install the "libudev-dev" package and rebuild the library with:
npm install node-hid --driver=hidraw
udev device permissions
Most Linux distros use udev
to manage access to physical devices,
and USB HID devices are normally owned by the root
To allow non-root access, you must create a udev rule for the device,
based on the devices vendorId and productId.
This rule is a file, placed in /etc/udev/rules.d
, with the lines:
SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="27b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01ed", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
(the above is for vendorId = 27b8, productId = 01ed)
Then the udev service is reloaded with: sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
For an example, see the
blink1 udev rules.
Compiling from source
To compile & develop locally or if prebuild
cannot download a pre-built
binary for you, you will need the following tools:
All OSes:
installed globally:npm install -g node-gyp
Linux (kernel 2.6+) : install examples shown for Ubuntu
- Compilation tools:
apt install build-essential git
- gcc-4.8+:
apt install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 && export CXX=g++-4.8
- libusb-1.0-0 w/headers:
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev
- libudev-dev: (Fedora only)
yum install libusbx-devel
- Compilation tools:
Mac OS X 10.8+
Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
- Visual C++ compiler and Python 2.7
- either:
npm install --global windows-build-tools
- add
, like PowerShell:$env:Path += ";$env:USERPROFILE\.windows-build-tools\python27"
- or:
- either:
- Visual C++ compiler and Python 2.7
from source for your project:
To build npm install node-hid --build-from-source
for development:
To build - check out a copy of this repo
- change into its directory
- update the submodules
- build the node package
For example:
git clone
cd node-hid # must change into node-hid directory
npm run prepublish # get the needed hidapi submodule
npm install --build-from-source # rebuilds the module with C code
node ./src/show-devices.js
You will see some warnings from the C compiler as it compiles
hidapi (the underlying C library node-hid
This is expected.
in Electron projects
Using In your electron project, add electron-rebuild
and electron-prebuilt
to your devDependencies
Then in your package.json scripts
"postinstall": "electron-rebuild --force"
If you want a specific version of electron, do something like:
electron-rebuild -v 0.36.5 --force -m . -w node-hid
in NW.js projects
Using (TBD)
This package comes with two versions already built of the native code for the platforms win32-ia32
and darwin-64bit
. The builds are
created to match the version 1.6.11
of electron
. If you need to use this package for a platform different from
the listed above or for a different version of electron you can't use it. In this way you don't need to rebuild the library
for the current platform allow you to release the electron app in any platform for all the supported ones.
Please use the node-hid github issues page for support questions and issues.