
Package the Sailfish OS Platform SDK as a docker image

Primary LanguageShell

See also:


  • armv7hl and i486 target: ${SAILFISH_OS_RELEASE}-armv7hl, ${SAILFISH_OS_RELEASE}, latest
  • Only armv7hl target: ${SAILFISH_OS_RELEASE}-armv7hl, armv7hl
  • Only i486 target: ${SAILFISH_OS_RELEASE}-i486, i486
  • Only aarch64 target: ${SAILFISH_OS_RELEASE}-aarch64, aarch64


Build RPM in current directory:

docker run \
    -v $PWD:/home/mersdk/project \
    --workdir /home/mersdk/project \
    r1tschy/sailfishos-platform-sdk: \
    mb2 -t SailfishOS- build


The goal of this repository is to package the Sailfish OS platform SDK as a Docker image.

This image can be used to invoke all the command-line tools shipped in the SDK. It is not really a replacement of Jolla's VM based SDK, as the image has no integration with Qt Creator, nor can it deploy automatically to the emulator.

Instead this image can be used when automation are needed, for instance in CI. However, you can still use it in your daily developement workflow by invoking the tools and the deployment steps manually.

  • sailfishos-platform-sdk-base contains the SDK, without any installed target or tooling
  • sailfishos-platform-sdk contains the SDK and installed targets for armv7hl and i486
    • tags exist for images with only armv7hl, i486 and aarch64 target

This image is smaller than the image from CODeRUS, because it uses Docker buildx to create a more efficient image. Also a seperate image for every architecture exists. For example for

Image Tag Size Efficiency
coderus/sailfishos-platform-sdk 8.57GB 57 %
r1tschy/sailfishos-platform-sdk 3.37GB 99 %
r1tschy/sailfishos-platform-sdk 2.69GB 99 %


You must have Docker installed and started.

You must also be connected to the Internet in order to build the image.

