Trampoline data app

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Competitive trampoline sports is still evolving. Especially the scoring system underwent recent changes to include more objective measures. Scoring is divided into 4 areas: Difficulty (no point limit), Execution (20 pts max), Time of Flight (no limit) and Horizontal Displacement (10 pts max) on the trampoline. Horizontal Displacement (HD) reflects the trampoline contact positions (more deduction for off center positions). HD was recently introduced and is at maximum reduced by 3 points as long as an athlete does 10 valid jumps within a routine. Influence of HD is questionable, since most HD ratings are very similar between athletes. New HD approaches were proposed by Ferger et al. (2020) that introduce higher maximum deductions and a different focus of scoring.

This data app makes it possible to explore changes following the different rating approaches.


  • Create a database of relevant trampoline data consisting of rank, scores and individual jumping data
  • Make data explorable
  • Include alternative rating approaches
  • Highlight influence of rating approaches

Procedure (see figure below)

  • Scrape data from event result books to get scores for relevant events (difficulty, execution, time of flight, horizontal displacement)
  • Match existing routine data (time of flight per jump, x- & y-coordinates of athletes contact positions) to calculate new approaches
  • Create MySQL database with scores and routine data
  • App queries data from database according to user requests

Technical aspects

  • Data conversion from PDF to text with Post Script
  • Data conversion from text to structured data with Python and Pandas
  • MySQL database at Google Cloud
  • Streamlit data app connected to MySQL database managed by GitHub repository

Problem solving

  • PDF rule books from different associations with different formatting require different algorithms
  • Old routine data without athlete information. Matching through start time, time of flight and horizontal displacement
  • New routine data with unique athlete information easy to match
  • Database optimization to ensure reactive data app
