Easily Create any UI App with Official Starter Templates or Boilerplate using CLI.


  • Easy to create a boilerplate app using the interactive Create App view.
  • Apps can also be created using the vscode quick picks.
  • We can also add our custom apps and commands to generate a interactive view and quick pick.

Supported Apps:

  Angular        Django        ExpressJs        Gatsby        Ionic     
  NestJs        NextJs        Preact        React        React Native        Svelte     
  Vite        VS Code Extension        Vue     


  • Give Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P to open the command pallet and type Create App: Interactive to open the Create App view.
  • This opens an interactive ui that prompts you tp pick the app name and provide configurations to create the app.

Screen Capture in Action


  • Give Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P to open the command pallet and type Create App: Quick to open the Create App quick prompt.
  • This provides you the quick command pallet and prompt you the pick the app and its required minimal configurations to create the app

Screen Capture in Action

Custom App JSON interface

interface Tags {
  label: string;
  description: string;
  command?: string; //  Provide a command to execute in terminal on click
  href?: string; // Provide the link to webpage to redirect on click

interface FieldProps {
  type: "textbox" | "checkbox" | "radio" | "browse" | "dropdown";
  label: string;
  prefix?: string; // set prefix of the field value. Ex: "prefix":"--template=\""
  suffix?: string; // set suffix of the field value. Ex: "prefix":"\""
  value?: string | boolean; // The prefix and suffix will be added to the value. Ex: --template="value"
  placeholder?: string;
  description?: string;
  buttonText?: string; // provide button text if the field type is "browse"
  required?: boolean; // By default all required fields will be prompted on command Create App: Quick
  pattern?: string; // Set pattern to validate the value
  prompt?: boolean; // If True this field will be prompted on command Create App: Quick
  canSelectFile?: boolean; // Set to true or false when field type is "browse"
  canSelectFolder?: boolean; // Set to true or false when field type is "browse"
  errors?: { required?: string; pattern?: string }; // provide the error message
  options?: Array<{
    // provide options if the field type is "radio" or "dropdown"
    label: string;
    value: any;

interface AppProps {
  appName: string; // Provide a unique app name. This overrides the app configs if already exist with a same name.
  commandTemplate: string; // Provide a command template here. Ex: "commandTemplate": "ng new ${fields.appId} --defaults" or "ng new ${fields['*']} --defaults"
  fields?: Record<string, FieldProps>; // Provide the app configuration to generate a app form fields. Ex: "fields": { "appId": { "type": "textbox", "required": true, value: "hello-world" } }
  description?: string; // This description will be shown below the About section in the right side of the form.
  order?: number; // Provide the App order to display in the apps list
  hide?: boolean; // If true this app will not be shown in both interactive and quick commands
  logoPath?: string; // Provide the app logo path. If not provide it will show the create app logo
  prerequisites?: Tags[]; // Provide the list of prerequisites commands and site links
  additionalCommands?: Tags[]; // Provide the additional commands to execute in terminal
  resources?: Tags[]; // List of links to refer the app
  tags?: string[]; // Provide the list of stings that helps to find the app


  • commandTemplate helps to generate the cli command.
  • It takes the variable fields and populates its value based on the field name.
  • Lets see the commandTemplate examples for the given fields
  "fields": {
    "appId": {
      "label": "App Id",
      "type": "textbox",
      "placeholder": "Can have lowercase alphabets and hyphen (-). No spaces or special chars are allowed.",
      "value": "hello-world",
      "required": true,
      "pattern": "^[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*$",
      "errors": {
        "required": "App Id is Required.",
        "pattern": "Invalid Id. No spaces or special chars are allowed."
    "routing": {
      "label": "Include Routing ?",
      "type": "radio",
      "value": "--routing",
      "options": [
          "label": "Yes",
          "value": "--routing"
          "label": "No",
          "value": ""
  • Example 1:
    • If commandTemplate is ng new ${fields.appId} --defaults,
    • Then the output of the command for the above commandTemplate will be ng new hello-world --defaults.
    • As we have seen the routing value is not populated in the command as we have not used in it.
  • Example 2:
    • To see the routing value in the command we need to provide the commandTemplate as ng new ${fields.appId} ${fields.routing} --defaults.
    • Now the output of the command for the above commandTemplate will be ng new hello-world --routing --defaults.
  • Example 3:
    • Instead of explicitly setting each field value in commandTemplate we can use ${fields['*']} to populate all the field values.
    • Set commandTemplate as ng new ${fields['*']} --defaults,
    • Now the output of the command for the above commandTemplate will be ng new hello-world --routing --defaults.
  • Example 4:
    • We can also use conditional logic to generate the command from commandTemplate
    • Set commandTemplate as ng new ${fields.appId} ${!fields.routing ? '--default-route' : fields.routing} --defaults,
    • from the above commandTemplate, If the value of routing is empty the we set a default command as --default-route