Standard library import autocompletions for Deno in VS Code"
Type deno-
+ standard library name like version
, press enter
, and the import snippet unfolds.
Type deno-ex-
+ standard library name like version
, press enter
, and the example code snippet unfolds.
Alternatively, press Ctrl
(Windows, Linux) or Cmd
(macOS) to activate snippets from within the editor.
Install via Extension Marketplace
- Search for the Extension
Deno Standard Library Snippets
and install.
Autocomplete for Modules below using tag: deno-
Snippet | Renders |
deno-archive-tar |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-async-deferred |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-async-delay |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-async-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-async-mux_async_iterator |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-async-pool |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-async-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-bytes-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-bytes-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-datetime-formatter |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-datetime-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-datetime-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-datetime-tokenizer |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-ascii85 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-base32 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-base64 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-base64url |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-binary |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-csv |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-csv_stringify |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-hex |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-toml |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-encoding-yaml |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-cat |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-catj |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-colors |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-curl |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-echo_server |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-flags |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-gist |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-welcome |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-examples-xeval |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-flags-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-flags-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fmt-colors |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fmt-printf |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-copy |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-empty_dir |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-ensure_dir |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-ensure_file |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-ensure_link |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-ensure_symlink |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-eol |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-exists |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-expand_glob |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-move |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-fs-walk |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-fnv |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-hasher |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-md5 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-sha1 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-sha256 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-sha3 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-sha512 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-hash-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-bench |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-cookie |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-file_server |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-http_status |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-racing_server |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-server |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-http-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-buffer |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-bufio |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-ioutil |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-readers |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-streams |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-util |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-io-writers |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-log-handlers |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-log-levels |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-log-logger |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-log-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-log-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-mime-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-mime-multipart |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-mime-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-assert |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-assertion_error |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-buffer |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-cli |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-constants |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-crypto |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-events |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-fs |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-global |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-module |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-os |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-path |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-process |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-querystring |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-stream |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-string_decoder |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-timers |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-tty |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-url |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-node-util |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-common |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-glob |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-posix |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-separator |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-path-win32 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-permissions-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-permissions-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-signal-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-signal-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-testing-asserts |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-testing-bench |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-testing-bench_example |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-textproto-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-textproto-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-uuid-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-uuid-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-uuid-v1 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-uuid-v4 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-uuid-v5 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-wasi-snapshot_preview1 |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-ws-example_server |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-ws-mod |
import { $1 } from '' |
deno-ws-test |
import { $1 } from '' |
Snippet |
deno-ex-archive-tar |
deno-ex-archive-untar |
deno-ex-async-deferred |
deno-ex-async-delay |
deno-ex-async-muxAsyncIterator |
deno-ex-async-pooledMap |
deno-ex-bytes-indexOf |
deno-ex-bytes-lastIndexOf |
deno-ex-bytes-equals |
deno-ex-bytes-startsWith |
deno-ex-bytes-endsWith |
deno-ex-bytes-repeat |
deno-ex-bytes-concat |
deno-ex-bytes-contains |
deno-ex-bytes-copy |
deno-ex-datetime-parse |
deno-ex-datetime-format |
deno-ex-datetime-dayOfYear |
deno-ex-datetime-weekOfYear |
deno-ex-datetime-toIMF |
deno-ex-datetime-isLeap |
deno-ex-datetime-difference |
deno-ex-datetime-SECOND |
deno-ex-datetime-MINUTE |
deno-ex-datetime-HOUR |
deno-ex-datetime-DAY |
deno-ex-datetime-WEEK |
deno-ex-fs-emptyDir |
deno-ex-fs-ensureDir |
deno-ex-fs-ensureFile |
deno-ex-fs-ensureSymlink |
deno-ex-fs-EOL |
deno-ex-fs-exists |
deno-ex-fs-move |
deno-ex-fs-copy |
deno-ex-fs-walk |
deno-ex-fs-expandGlob |
deno-ex-fs-expandGlobSync |
deno-ex-flags |
deno-ex-fmt |
deno-ex-hash |
deno-ex-http-server |
deno-ex-http-cookie |
deno-ex-io-stringReader |
deno-ex-io-stringWriter |
deno-ex-io-readerFromStreamReader |
deno-ex-io-writerFromStreamWriter |
deno-ex-log |
deno-ex-node |
deno-ex-signal |
deno-ex-testing-assertEquals |
deno-ex-testing-assertStrictEquals |
deno-ex-testing-assertThrows |
deno-ex-testing-assertThrowsAsync |
deno-ex-uuid |
deno-ex-wasi |
deno-ex-ws |