
This repository offers a smart contract to manage seed sales / pre-sales. It is written in Solidity for EVM blockchains (e.g. Ethereum, BSC, Cronos, ...).

Primary LanguageSolidityApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

📜 Presale Solidity Smart Contract

🤝 Need help for deployment?

If you need for deployment and use of this smart contract, you can find my contacts on my GitHub profile page. If you contact me on Telegram, write as first message that you have found my contact on GitHub or you will automatically blocked.

🕵 Are you looking for the Dapp Front-end of this smart contract?

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🔎 Purpose


This repository offers a smart contract to manage seed sales / pre-sales. It is written in Solidity for EVM blockchains (e.g. Ethereum, BSC, Cronos, ...).

TestUSDT.sol & TestErc20Token.sol

This repository offers also other 2 bonus smart contracts to allow you to test TokenPreSale.sol on test nets


  • ✅ Manage a pre-sale / seed sale
  • ✅ With only one smart contract is possible to manage multiple sale rounds for potentially multiple tokens
  • Configurable sale round start and end date time
  • Configurable vesting start time, cliff and period
  • Configurable number of tokens to be sold
  • ✅ Token claim is allowed only after the sale round is completed and can be configured also a cliff period (not mandatory) to allow claim in small portions over a certain period of time
  • Configurable token to be claimed
  • It is not necessary to develop the token to be claimed before sale round starts, this will give you more time to think about tokenomics and feature of your ERC20 token that will have to be developed.
  • ✅ It is possible to invest into the sale round with stable coins such as USDT, USDC, etc... (requirement of 6 decimal digits per ERC20 token)
  • ✅ It is possible to invest into the sale round with Ethers (it depends from which blockchain is deployed the smart contract, so it would be ETH for Ethereum Blockchain, BNB for Binance Smart Chain, CRO for Cronos, etc...)
  • ✅ It is possible to change parameters when the sale round has already started

🐉 Examples on BSC Testnet

Deploy date: 19 November 2022

⚠️ Those links might go down in the future if the BSC Testnet goes down or is wiped out.







💪 How to use it

How to create a new sale round

The function that you'll have to call with the contract owner address is 'createPresale'

 * @dev Creates a new presale
 * @param _startTime start time of the sale
 * @param _endTime end time of the sale
 * @param _price Per token price multiplied by (10**18)
 * @param _tokensToSell No of tokens to sell without denomination. If 1 million tokens to be sold then - 1_000_000 has to be passed
 * @param _baseDecimals No of decimals for the token. (10**18), for 18 decimal token
 * @param _vestingStartTime Start time for the vesting - UNIX timestamp
 * @param _vestingCliff Cliff period for vesting in seconds
 * @param _vestingPeriod Total vesting period(after vesting cliff) in seconds
 * @param _enableBuyWithEth Enable/Disable buy of tokens with ETH
 * @param _enableBuyWithUsdt Enable/Disable buy of tokens with USDT
function createPresale(
    uint256 _startTime,
    uint256 _endTime,
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _tokensToSell,
    uint256 _baseDecimals,
    uint256 _vestingStartTime,
    uint256 _vestingCliff,
    uint256 _vestingPeriod,
    uint256 _enableBuyWithEth,
    uint256 _enableBuyWithUsdt

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
// _startTime = 1668360000 -> Sun Nov 13 2022 17:20:00 GMT+0000
// _endTime = 1680328800 -> Sat Apr 01 2023 06:00:00 GMT+0000
// _price = 18005041411595246 -> 0,018005041411595246$ per Token
// __tokensToSell = 10000000 -> 10 millions of tokens to be sold in this sale round
// _baseDecimals = 1000000000000000000 -> ERC20 Token to be sold number of decimals, in this case 18 decimals (10**18)
// _vestingStartTime: 1680328801 -> Sat Apr 01 2023 06:00:01 GMT+0000
// _vestingCliff: 0 -> No Cliff Period
// _vestingPeriod: 0 -> No vesting period
// _enableBuyWithEth: 0 -> Buy with Ethers functionality disabled
// _enableBuyWithUsdt: 1 -> Buy with USDT (stable coin) functionality enabled
instance.createPresale(1668360000, 1680328800, BigInt(18005041411595246), 10000000, BigInt(1000000000000000000), 1680328801, 0, 0, 0, 1)

How to change sale round start and end time

 * @dev To update the sale times
 * @param _id Presale id to update
 * @param _startTime New start time
 * @param _endTime New end time
function changeSaleTimes(
    uint256 _id,
    uint256 _startTime,
    uint256 _endTime

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _startTime = 1668360000 -> Sun Nov 13 2022 17:20:00 GMT+0000
// _endTime = 1680328800 -> Sat Apr 01 2023 06:00:00 GMT+0000
instance.changeSaleTimes(latestPresaleId, 1668360000, 1680328800)

How to change vesting start time

 * @dev To update the vesting start time
 * @param _id Presale id to update
 * @param _vestingStartTime New vesting start time
function changeVestingStartTime(uint256 _id, uint256 _vestingStartTime)

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _startTime = 1668360000 -> Sun Nov 13 2022 17:20:00 GMT+0000
instance.changeVestingStartTime(latestPresaleId, 1668360000)

How to change sale token address

 * @dev To update the sale token address
 * @param _id Presale id to update
 * @param _newAddress Sale token address
function changeSaleTokenAddress(uint256 _id, address _newAddress)

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _newAddress = 0xdc381eac30f839e9c9f614d31e6c71679b40fa10 -> ERC20 Token address
instance.changeSaleTokenAddress(latestPresaleId, "0xdc381eac30f839e9c9f614d31e6c71679b40fa10")

How to change sale token price

 * @dev To update the price
 * @param _id Presale id to update
 * @param _newPrice New sale price of the token
function changePrice(uint256 _id, uint256 _newPrice)

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _newPrice = 18005041411595246 -> 0,018005041411595246$ per Token
instance.changePrice(latestPresaleId, BigInt(18005041411595246))

How to enable / disable buy with Ethers functionality

 * @dev To update possibility to buy with ETH
 * @param _id Presale id to update
 * @param _enableToBuyWithEth New value of enable to buy with ETH
function changeEnableBuyWithEth(uint256 _id, uint256 _enableToBuyWithEth)

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _enableToBuyWithEth = 1 -> Enabled
instance.changeEnableBuyWithEth(latestPresaleId, 1)

How to enable / disable buy with USDT functionality

 * @dev To update possibility to buy with Usdt
 * @param _id Presale id to update
 * @param _enableToBuyWithUsdt New value of enable to buy with Usdt
function changeEnableBuyWithUsdt(uint256 _id, uint256 _enableToBuyWithUsdt)

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _enableToBuyWithUsdt = 0 -> Disabled
instance.changeEnableBuyWithUsdt(latestPresaleId, 0)

How to pause / unpause presale

 * @dev To pause the presale
 * @param _id Presale id to update
function pausePresale(uint256 _id)

 * @dev To unpause the presale
 * @param _id Presale id to update
function unPausePresale(uint256 _id)

Example (truffle console):

let instance = await TokenSaleTest.deployed()
let latestPresaleId = await instance.presaleId.call()
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change
// _id = latestPresaleId or the preSaleId which you want to change