
Anti Virus Tool for windows and linux

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HULK's Antivirus :

Antiviruses are became quite popular in these days. Hackers become more powerful and technologies go like they are booming. By using those tricks they can easily hopped your system. If you are not supporting any costed antivirus, let me introduce my project to you. It is free, super fast, open source with almost 100% accuracy to find viruses or any kind of malwares.

You Can Download data.csv To Run Antivirus Cli Properly

👨‍💻 Author : Sumalya Chatterjee

It comes with two different interfaces :

No. 1 : CLI


No. 2 : GUI

GIT Installation Process :

# Clone The Repo :
git clone https://github.com/R3DHULK/antivirus
# Change The Directory :
cd antivirus
# Execute program or
# Run The Software
python <whichever software you wanna execute> (i.e. : python hulk-antivirus.py)

Cli Output :

Cli Opening Window:

Cli Processing Window:

Cli Result Window:

Gui Output:

Gui Window:

Gui Result:

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