
Remote Email Keylogger

Primary LanguagePython

Email Keylogger :)



Instalar / Install

• git clone https://github.com/R3LI4NT/E-Keylogger
• cd E-Keylogger
• pip3 install -r requirements.txt
• python3 keylogger.py


ES: Activar el acceso de apps menos seguras de tu cuenta gmail -> https://myaccount.google.com/

No me hago responsable del mal uso que se le pueda dar a esta herramienta, úselo para Pentesting o fines educativos.

EN: Activate the access of less secure apps from your gmail account -> https://myaccount.google.com/

I am not responsible for the misuse that may be given to this tool, use it for Pentesting or educational purposes.