
An Angular SSH Client implementation using cordova-plugin-sshclient https://github.com/R3nPi2/cordova-plugin-sshclient

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Angular SSH Client

An Angular SSH Client implementation using Cordova SSH Client Plugin.

Supported Platforms

  • This package should be multiplatform, but the fact is that it depends on cordova-plugin-sshclient, and this plugin only works on Android platform.



<script src="[bower_components/]angular-ssh/angular-ssh.js"></script>

Example usage

angular.module('myApp', ['angular-ssh']).
.controller('myCtrl', function($scope,$ssh) {
  $scope.host = "";
  $scope.port = "22";
  $scope.user = "me";
  $scope.password = "mypassword";
  $scope.cols = "80";
  $scope.rows = "25";
  $scope.sessionID = null;

  // We have to make shure to run our code after 'deviceready' or 'cordova-plugin-sshclient' 
  // could not be loaded yet. We can do it like this (with our code inside 'deviceready' listener) 
  // or any other way. "$scope.$watch('openSessionFin', ... " could be a good idea, or launch angular 
  // bootstrap inside 'deviceready' listener, like this: 
  // "angular.bootstrap(document.querySelector('body'), ['myApp'])".

  document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {


      var connect = false;
      var save = false;

      // Host key is not in known_hosts
      if (resp != "OK") {

        connect = confirm(resp);
        save = connect;

      } else {

        connect = true;


      if (connect) {

        if (save) {
          // Save hostkey in known_hosts
            console.log("hostkey saved into known_hosts");


          $scope.sessionID = resp;

          console.log("Session opended: ".resp);

          $ssh.write($scope.sessionID,"ls -latr\n").then(function(resp){

            // Ssh connection output is asynchronous buffered so, to get full response, 
            // we can do it with a short timeout, a read loop, etc.



                // Here we have connection and "ls -latr" response






    }, function(error){



Service $ssh Methods

All methods except storeSession, getSessions and getSession, return a AngularJS Promise. For more information about promises read AngularJS documentation.

All methods except storeSession, getSessions and getSession, are based on cordova-plugin-sshclient methods, so read plugin documentation if your need more information.


Connects to host, request a new PTY and starts a Shell.


  • hostname – Hostname or IP.
  • port – SSH port.
  • user – Username.
  • password – Password.
  • cols – PTY columns.
  • rows – PTY rows.
  • width – (optional: if empty, set to 0) PTY pixels width.
  • height – (optional: if empty, set to 0) PTY pixels height.

Success response

  • Returns an integer corresponding to a unique session ID.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


We should use this method to verify hostkeys.


  • hostname – Hostname or IP.
  • port – SSH port.
  • saveHostKey – This argument should be a string matching "true" or "false". If "false", the verification should be done but hostkey will not be saved into known_hosts database. If "true", hostkey should be saved into known_hosts.

Success response

  • If saveHostKey was set to "true": returns "ADD_OK" string if everithing goes fine and hostkey is saved into known_hosts file.
  • If saveHostKey was set to "false", and hostkey allready exists into known_hosts, and hostkey is valid: returns "OK" string.
  • If saveHostKey was set to "false", and hostkey allready exists into known_hosts, but hostkey has changed: returns describing the situation.
  • If saveHostKey was set to "false", and hostkey does not exists into known_hosts, returns a string with hostkey.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


We can use this method to resize PTY created on $ssh.openSession.


  • sessionID – The ID returned by openSession.
  • cols – PTY columns.
  • rows – PTY rows.
  • width – (optional: if empty, set to 0) PTY pixels width.
  • height – (optional: if empty, set to 0) PTY pixels height.

Success response

  • A string with PTY dimensions.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


Read stdout and stderr buffers output.


  • sessionID – The ID returned by openSession.

Success response

  • Returns characters read from stdout and stderr buffers.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


Write a string to stdin buffer.


  • sessionID – The ID returned by openSession.
  • string – String that will be written to stdin buffer. If you want to send a ls command, you should write "ls\n".

Success response

  • Returns written command.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


Close ssh session.


  • sessionID – The ID returned by openSession.

Success response

  • Returns "0". It means everithing was ok.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


Builds an array from known_hosts file.

Success response

  • Returns an array with known hosts found in known_hosts file.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


Set known_hosts file.


  • knownHosts – An array like the one returned from getKnownHosts: knownHosts = [ { host: "example.com", type: "ssh-rsa", key: "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA..." }, ... ]

Success response

  • Returns an array with known hosts found in known_hosts file.

Error response

  • Returns a string describing the error.


Pending documentation.


  • sessionID – The ID returned by openSession.
  • alias – A free string.
  • hostname – Hostname or IP.
  • user – User name.
  • terminal – Current terminal content. This is a multiprupose field where we could store a javascript object, string, or whaterver we want. We can use this field later to get session state with getSession.

Returned values

  • Returns true.


Pending documentation.


  • sessionID – The ID returned by openSession.

Returned values

  • An object with session info: { alias: "myServer", hostname: "myserver.com", user: "me", terminal: "The terminal content..." }


Pending documentation.

Returned values

  • An array of objects indexed by sessionID with session info: [ "sessionID": { alias: "myServer", hostname: "myserver.com", user: "me", terminal: "The terminal content..." }, ... ]



  • Angular SSH Client is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. Read LICENSE file.


Report at the github issue tracker